Restart in wall 5 after section 3 after 24 counts (12 o’clock)
Section 1: Step R with Sway R-L, Rock & Cross, Scissor Cross, Vine ¼;
1 2Step R to Rightside, Sway Body to Right and Left
3&4Rock R to Rightside, Recover to L, Cross R over L
5&6Step L to Leftside, Close R next to L, Cross L over R
7&8Step R to Rightside, Step L behind R, Step R ¼ Turn R Fwd
Section 2: Rock Fwd, Recover, ½ Turn, Pivot ½ Turn, Rock, Recover, ½ Turn, Syncopated Vine ¼ with Jump ¼;
1&2Rock L Fwd, Recover to R, ½ Turn Left Step L Fwd
3&4Step R Fwd, Pivot ½ Turn, Step R Fwd
5&6Rock L Fwd, Recover to R, ½ Turn Left Step L Fwd
&7&8Step R ¼ Turn Left to Rightside, Step L behind R, Step R ¼ Turn Right Fwd, Small Jump with both feet to Leftside
Section 3: Side, Together, Side, Diagonal Back Steps, Side, Together, Side, Step ¼, Sweep Step Fwd;
1&2&Step R to Rightside, Close L next to R, Step R to Rightside, Touch L Diagonal Fwd
3&4&Step L Diagonal Back, Touch R next to L, Step R Diagonal Back, Touch L next to R
5&6&Step L to Leftside, Close R next to L, Step L to Leftside, Touch R Diagonal Fwd
7 8Step R ¼ Turn Right Fwd, Sweep L Back to Front Step Fwd
Section 4: Walk, Walk, Pivot ¼, Cross, ¼ Step Back, ¼ Step Right, Cross, Step ¼, Step Back;
1 2Step R Fwd, Step L Fwd
3&4Step R Fwd, Pivot ¼ Turn Left, Cross R over L
5&6¼ Turn Right Step L Back, ¼ Turn Right Step R to Rightside, Cross L over R
7 8¼ Turn Left Step R Back, Step L Back
Section 5: Toe Strut 2x, Kickball Touch, Ball Step, ½ Turn, Step ¼, Sway;
1&2&Step on R Toe Fwd Pu, Put R Heel Down, Step on L Toe Fwd, Put L Heel Down
3&4Kick R Fwd, Close R next to L, Touch L to Leftside
&56Close L next to R, Step R Fwd, ½ Turn Left (Weight ends on Left)
7 8Step R ¼ Turn Left to Rightside, Sway Body to Left
Section 6: Syncopated Cross Rock, Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn Ball Cross, Slide, Touch;
1&2&Cross R over L, Recover to L, Rock R to Rightside, Recover to L
3&4Cross R over L, Step L to Leftside, Cross R over L
5&6Step L ¼ Turn R Back, Step R next to L, Cross L over R
7 8Slide R to Rightside, Touch L next to R
Start Again! Enjoy
Section 1: Step R with Sway R-L, Rock & Cross, Scissor Cross, Vine ¼;
1 2Step R to Rightside, Sway Body to Right and Left
3&4Rock R to Rightside, Recover to L, Cross R over L
5&6Step L to Leftside, Close R next to L, Cross L over R
7&8Step R to Rightside, Step L behind R, Step R ¼ Turn R Fwd
Section 2: Rock Fwd, Recover, ½ Turn, Pivot ½ Turn, Rock, Recover, ½ Turn, Syncopated Vine ¼ with Jump ¼;
1&2Rock L Fwd, Recover to R, ½ Turn Left Step L Fwd
3&4Step R Fwd, Pivot ½ Turn, Step R Fwd
5&6Rock L Fwd, Recover to R, ½ Turn Left Step L Fwd
&7&8Step R ¼ Turn Left to Rightside, Step L behind R, Step R ¼ Turn Right Fwd, Small Jump with both feet to Leftside
Section 3: Side, Together, Side, Diagonal Back Steps, Side, Together, Side, Step ¼, Sweep Step Fwd;
1&2&Step R to Rightside, Close L next to R, Step R to Rightside, Touch L Diagonal Fwd
3&4&Step L Diagonal Back, Touch R next to L, Step R Diagonal Back, Touch L next to R
5&6&Step L to Leftside, Close R next to L, Step L to Leftside, Touch R Diagonal Fwd
7 8Step R ¼ Turn Right Fwd, Sweep L Back to Front Step Fwd
Section 4: Walk, Walk, Pivot ¼, Cross, ¼ Step Back, ¼ Step Right, Cross, Step ¼, Step Back;
1 2Step R Fwd, Step L Fwd
3&4Step R Fwd, Pivot ¼ Turn Left, Cross R over L
5&6¼ Turn Right Step L Back, ¼ Turn Right Step R to Rightside, Cross L over R
7 8¼ Turn Left Step R Back, Step L Back
Section 5: Toe Strut 2x, Kickball Touch, Ball Step, ½ Turn, Step ¼, Sway;
1&2&Step on R Toe Fwd Pu, Put R Heel Down, Step on L Toe Fwd, Put L Heel Down
3&4Kick R Fwd, Close R next to L, Touch L to Leftside
&56Close L next to R, Step R Fwd, ½ Turn Left (Weight ends on Left)
7 8Step R ¼ Turn Left to Rightside, Sway Body to Left
Section 6: Syncopated Cross Rock, Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn Ball Cross, Slide, Touch;
1&2&Cross R over L, Recover to L, Rock R to Rightside, Recover to L
3&4Cross R over L, Step L to Leftside, Cross R over L
5&6Step L ¼ Turn R Back, Step R next to L, Cross L over R
7 8Slide R to Rightside, Touch L next to R
Start Again! Enjoy