CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Poet & I

( 2 Stimmen)
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Improver / Intermediate
Berta Burns (DK) - July 2015
The Poet and I - Frank Mills : (iTunes)
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TAG (12 Counts): At the end of walls 3 & 6 facing 3:00.

INTRO: 24 counts.

[1-6] R Cross Rock Recover, L Cross Rock Recover
1-3Step R across L diagonal front, Step L in place, Step R beside L
4-6Step L across R diagonal front, Step R in place, Step L beside R

[7-12] Step Kick, Back Back Side
1-3Step R forward to 10:30, Kick L forward while slightly raising R heel, Return R heel to floor while lowering L
4-6Step L back, Step R back (still facing 10:30), Step L to L squaring up to 9:00

[13-18] R Cross Rock Recover, L Cross Rock Recover
1-3Step R across L diagonal front, Step L in place, Step R beside L
4-6Step L across R diagonal front, Step R in place, Step L beside R

[19-24] Step Kick, Back Back Side
1-3Step R forward to 7:30, Kick L forward while slightly raising R heel, Return R heel to floor while lowering L
4-6Step L back, Step R back (still facing 7:30), Step L to L squaring up to 6:00

[25-30] Step R Sweep L, Step L Sweep R
1-3Step R forward, Sweep L from back to front in 2 counts
4-6Step L down, Sweep R from back to front in 2 counts

[31-36] Rock Recover 1/2, Step-Hook-Step Full Turn
1-3Rock R forward, Recover on L, Step R to 12:00 making 1/2 turn R 12:00
4-6Step L forward, Step R forward pivoting both R L balls completing a a full turn counter-clockwise (a reverse spiral turn), step L forward 12:00

[37-42] Rock Recover Step, Big Step Back Drag Touch
1-3Rock R forward, Recover on L, Step R back
4-6L Take a big step back, Drag R, while angling body facing 10:30, & Touch R next to L in 2 counts 10:30

[43-48] R Big Step 1/8 L, Drag Touch, Rolling Vine Full Turn
1-3R Take a big step to R facing 9:00, Drag L & Touch next to R in 2 counts 9:00
4-6Step L to 6:00, Step R forward pivoting 1/2 turn L (12:00), Making ¼ Turn L Step L next to R

TAG: Music is slow down at this point, please dance accordingly
[1-6] 1/4 Turn L, R Big Step To R, Touch L & Hold, L Big Step to L, Touch R & Hold
1-3Making 1/4 Turn L facing 12:00, R take big step to R, Touch L next to R, Hold
4-6L take big step to L, Touch R Next to L, Hold

[7-12] Weave To R, Fan R
1-3Step R to R, Step L behind R, Step R to R
4-6Cross L over R front, Fan R to L front

ENDING: Do a complete rotation right after the 2nd tag (Wall 7) at regular speed. Wall 8: Dance up to 18 counts of music (facing 6:00 at this point), Step R forward (19th count), Step L forward pivoting 1/2 turn to 12:00 (20th count), recover on L (21st count), Step R forward & Pose (22nd count). The music slow down for the last 22 counts as well, so dance accordingly.



Last Update - 4th Aug 2015

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