#16 count intro – starting just before the beat kicks in!
Section 1: Rhumba box, Walk back right, left, Coaster step.
1 & 2Step Right to right side, Step left beside right. Step right forward.
3 & 4Step left to left side, step right beside left. Step left back.
5, 6Step back right, step back left
7 & 8Step back right, close left next to right, step right forward.
Section 2: Shuffle forward, Step ¼ cross, Rhumba box.
1 & 2Step forward left, close right next to left, step forward left.
3 & 4Step forward onto right, pivot ¼ turn left, cross right over left.
5 & 6Step left to left side, close right next to left, step left forward.
7 & 8Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right back.
Section 3: Rock back (Prep), Triple full turn forward, Mambo forward, Mambo back
1, 2Rock back ¼ left onto left, recover ¼ turn right.
3 & 4Full turn over right shoulder, stepping left, right, left.
5 & 6Rock forward onto right, recover onto left, close right next to left.
7 & 8Rock back onto left, recover onto right, close left next to right
Counts 3 & 4, easier option – Left shuffle forward.
Section 4: Step forward, Pivot 1/2 , Step forward, Triple full turn forward, Mambo forward, Mambo back.
1 & 2Step forward onto right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward right.
3 & 4Full turn over right shoulder, stepping left, right, left.
5 & 6Rock forward onto right, recover onto left, close right next to left.
7 & 8Rock back onto left, recover onto right, close left next to right
Counts 3 & 4, easier option – Left shuffle forward
Dance finishes on the front wall.
Last Update – 24th July 2015
Section 1: Rhumba box, Walk back right, left, Coaster step.
1 & 2Step Right to right side, Step left beside right. Step right forward.
3 & 4Step left to left side, step right beside left. Step left back.
5, 6Step back right, step back left
7 & 8Step back right, close left next to right, step right forward.
Section 2: Shuffle forward, Step ¼ cross, Rhumba box.
1 & 2Step forward left, close right next to left, step forward left.
3 & 4Step forward onto right, pivot ¼ turn left, cross right over left.
5 & 6Step left to left side, close right next to left, step left forward.
7 & 8Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right back.
Section 3: Rock back (Prep), Triple full turn forward, Mambo forward, Mambo back
1, 2Rock back ¼ left onto left, recover ¼ turn right.
3 & 4Full turn over right shoulder, stepping left, right, left.
5 & 6Rock forward onto right, recover onto left, close right next to left.
7 & 8Rock back onto left, recover onto right, close left next to right
Counts 3 & 4, easier option – Left shuffle forward.
Section 4: Step forward, Pivot 1/2 , Step forward, Triple full turn forward, Mambo forward, Mambo back.
1 & 2Step forward onto right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward right.
3 & 4Full turn over right shoulder, stepping left, right, left.
5 & 6Rock forward onto right, recover onto left, close right next to left.
7 & 8Rock back onto left, recover onto right, close left next to right
Counts 3 & 4, easier option – Left shuffle forward
Dance finishes on the front wall.
Last Update – 24th July 2015