CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My Love

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Audrey Watson (SCO) - July 2015
Oh My Love - The Score : (CD: Single)
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Intro: 8 Counts

S1. Step Clap Clap, Pivot ½ Turn Clap, Step Clap Clap, Pivot ¼ Turn Clap.
1&2Step fwd on right, Clap hands twice.
3-4On the balls of both feet pivot ½ Left Clap Hands.
5&6Step fwd on right, clap hands twice.
7-8On the balls of both feet pivot ¼ turn left, clap hands.

S2. Fwd Rock, Extended Weave.
1-2Rock right fwd, recover back on left.
3-4Step right to right side, cross left over right.
5-6Step right to right side, cross left behind right.
7-8Step right to right side, cross left over right.

S3. Back Strut, Side Strut, Cross Strut, ¼ Turn Strut. (Optional - Click finger during struts)
1-2Step right toe back, drop right heel to floor.
3-4Step left toe to left side, drop left heel to floor.
5-6Cross right toe over left foot, drop right heel to floor.
7-8Turn ¼ left stepping left toe fwd, drop left heel to floor.

S4. Side Rock, Scuff Step, Fwd Shuffle Scuff.
1-2Rock right to right side, recover on left.
3-4Scuff right heel fwd, step fwd on right.
5-6Step fwd on left, step right next left.
7-8Step fwd on left, scuff right heel fwd.

S5. Step ½ Pivot Step Scuff, Stomp Toe Fan Hold.
1-2Step fwd on right, pivot ½ left.
3-4Step fwd on right, scuff left heel fwd.
5-6Stomp left fwd, fan toes left.
7-8Fan toes back to centre, hold for a beat.

S6. Stomp Toe Fan Hold, Weave Back.
1-2Stomp right fwd, fan right toes to right side.
3-4Fan right toes back to centre, hold for a beat.
5-6Cross left over right, step back on right.
7-8Step back on left, cross right over left.

S7. Back Lock Step Hold, Coaster Step Scuff.
1-2Step back on left, cross right over left.
3-4Step back on left, hold for a beat.
5-6Step back on right, step left next right.
7-8Step fwd on right, Scuff left heel fwd.

S8. Step Lock Step, Step Lock Step, Step Scuff.
1-2Step fwd on left, Lock right behind left.
3-4Step fwd on left, step fwd on right.
5-6Lock left behind right, step fwd on right.
7-8Step fwd on left, scuff right heel fwd.

Tag: 8 Counts to be added at the end of walls 2 & 4
Step Touch, Back Touch, Back Touc, Step Scuff.
1-2Step fwd on right, touch left toe next right.
3-4Step back on left, touch right toe next left.
5-6Step back on right, touch left toe next right.
7-8Step fwd on left, scuff right heel fwd.

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