CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ex's & Oh's

( 20 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Rick Dominguez (USA) & Jonno Liberman (USA) - July 2015
Ex's & Oh's - Elle King : (Album: Love Stuff - 3:22)
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Part A - 32 counts
A [1-8] Vaudeville, Ball Cross, Side, Sailor Heel, Hip Roll (12:00)
1&2Cross R over L, Step L to left, Touch R heel to right
&3, 4Step R next to L, Cross L over R, Step R to right
5&6Cross L behind R, Step R to right, Touch L heel to left
7-8Circle hips counterclockwise with weight finishing on R

A [9-16] Ball Cross, Hold, Ball Cross, Unwind, Kick x2, Coaster Step (6:00)
&1,2Step L slightly to left, Cross R over L, Hold
&3,4Step L slightly to left, Cross R over L, Turn 1/2 left while keeping weight on R (6:00)
5,6Kick L forward, Kick L slightly left
7&8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L forward

A [17-24] Swivel, Hip Bump, Side Rock Switch x2 (6:00)
1, 2Swivel heels left, Return heels to center finishing with weight on R
3, 4Bump hips left, Return hips to center finishing with weight on R
&5, 6Step L next to R, Rock R to right, Recover onto L
&7, 8Step R next to L, Rock L to left, Recover onto R

A [25-32] Heel Grind, Coaster Step, 1/4 Heel Grind, Sailor Step (3:00)
1, 2Rock forward onto R heel as you fan toes from left to right, Recover onto L
3&4Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R forward
5, 6Rock forward onto L heel and turn 1/4 left (3:00), Recover onto R
7&8Cross L behind R, Step R to right, Step L to left

Part B - 32 Counts (1st repetition of Part B begins facing 6:00, 2nd 9:00, 3rd 6:00, 4th 12:00)
B [1-8] Walk x2, Cross Samba x2, 1/4 Kick (9:00)
1, 2Step R forward, Step L forward
3, a4Cross R slightly over L, Step L to left, Recover onto R
5, a6Cross L slightly over R, Step R to left, Recover onto L
7, 8Turn 1/4 right as you cross R over L (9:00), Kick L slightly left (optional: scuff or sweep)

B [9-16] Syncopated Weave, 1/4, 1/2 Triple, 1/2 Pivot (6:00)
1&2&3Cross L over R, Step R to right, Cross L behind R, Step R to right, Cross L over R
4Turn 1/4 left as you step R back (6:00)
5&6Turn 1/4 left as you step L to left, Step R next to L, Turn 1/4 left as you step R forward (12:00)
7,8Step R forward, Turn 1/2 left (6:00)

Restart will occur on the 4th repetition of Part A. You'll restart after the first 16 counts facing 3:00.

Dance Your Yaaas Off –

Last Update: 6 Oct 2023

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