CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tai Yang Gu

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Phrased Intermediate
China Line Dance Sport Promotion Centre (CN) - November 2014
Sun Drum by A You Duo
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Intro: 16 counts
PART A(32counts)
Sec A1: forward,recover,together,bend knees,forward,flick,back,hitch,forward,flick,back
1 2 3 4step left forward and sway left shoulder forward,recover to right,step left together bending and straightening knees,bend and straighten knees
5&step right forward,flick left back
6&step left back,hitch right up
7&8step right forward,flick left back,step left back and flick left out

Sec A2: run forward slightly(×6),1/2 turn, run forward slightly(×6)
1&2run right forward slightly, run left forward slightly,run right forward slightly
3&4run left forward slightly,run right forward slightly,run left forward slightly
5-8turn 1/2 left,repeat 1-4(6:00)

Sec A3: side,upper body turn,turn 1/4 recover,kick ball,recover,kick ball,recover,kick ball, together
1-4step right to side,bend knees,upper body turn right from left to back(2)
5turn 1/4 right,recover to left,kick right ball forward and drop(9:00)
6recover to right,kick left ball forward and drop
7recover to left,kick right ball forward and drop,
8right together ,bend knees.

Sec A4: forward diagonal,forward,forward,turn 1/4 together,kick ball forward and drop (X3),together
1 2 3step right forward diagonal right,the upper body lean back,step left forward,step right forward(10:30)
4turn 1/4 right step left together,bend knees(1:30)
5 6kick right ball forward and drop,kick left ball forward and drop
7 8kick right ball forward and drop,step left together and bend knees

PART B(20counts)
Sec B1: turn 1/4 left, forward and flick back (X6), turn 1/4 left , forward and flick back (X6),
1&2turn 1/4 left step left forward and flick right back, step right forward flick left back, step left forward and flick right back
3&4step right forward and flick left back, step left forward and flick right back, step right forward and flick left back
5&6turn 1/4 left step left forward and flick right back, step right forward and flick left back, step left forward and flick right back
7&8step right forward and flick left back, step left forward and flick right back, step right forward and flick left back

Sec B2: side, recover, jump, drop, recover, recover, together, side, recover, jump, drop
1step left to side, hands like beating a drum
2&3recover to right, jump feet in place, drop and bend knees, hands like beating a drum
4recover to left, hands like beating a drum
5&6recover to right, step left together, step right to side
7&8recover to left, jump feet in place, drop and bend knees, hands like beating a drum

Sec B3: jump, drop, jump ,drop
1, 2jump feet in place and look up, drop and bend knees, lower your head
3, 4repeat 1, 2
3, 4repeat 1, 2

PART C(32counts)
Sec C1: side, cross,rolling vine, kick ball
12step right to side bending knees slightly and lean upper body to left side slightly, (face to 6:00), step left cross right,
3,turn 1/4 right step right to side, (3:00)
4turn 3/4 right step left right, (12:00)
5step right to rihjt
6kick left foot ball hopping right

Sec C2: side, cross,rolling vine, kick ball
1, 2step left to side bending knees slightly and lean upper body to right side slightly,,step right cross left
3,4,5turn 1/4 left step left to side, turn 3/4 left step right beside left ,step left to side,
6kick right foot ball hopping left (face to 12:00)

Sec C3: back diagonal, cross,rolling vine, kick ball
1, 2step right back diagonal right bending knees slightly and lean upper body to left side slightly, (go toward 4:30) , step left cross right,
3,4,5turn 1/4 right step right to side, turn 3/4 right step left beside right ,step right to side(6:00)
6kick left foot ball hopping right

Sec C4: back diagonal, cross,rolling vine, kick ball
1, 2step left back diagonal left bending knees slightly and lean upper body to right side slightly,(go toward 1:30), step right cross left
3,4,5turn 1/4 left step left to side, turn 3/4 left step right beside left ,step left to side, (face to 6:00)
6kick right foot ball hopping left

Sec C5: side, cross,rolling vine, kick ball, side,
1, 2step right to side bending knees slightly and lean upper body to left side slightly, (face to 12:00), step left cross right
3,4,5turn 1/4 right step right to side, turn 3/4 right step left beside right, step right to side
6kick left foot ball hopping right (face to 6:00)

Sec C6: side, 1/2 turn together
1,2step left to side, turn 1/2 left step right together (face to 12:00)
Note: Its outline roughly forms an equilateral triangle when dancing Part C

Tag 1:(16counts)
Sec T1-1: side, together, side, extend knee, touch cross, side, together, side ,extend knee, touch cross
1, 2step right to side bending and extending knees, step left together bending and extending knees
3&4step right to side bending knee, extend right knee, touch left cross right
5, 6step left to side bending and extending knees,step right together bending and extending knees
7&8step left to side bending knee, extend left knee, touch right cross left

Sec T1-2: side, together, side, extend knee, touch cross, side, hop and hitch, side, hop and hitch, side, hop and hitch, side
1,2step right to side bending and extending knees, step left together bending and extending knees
3&4step right to side bending knee, extend right knee, touch left cross right
5&step left to side, hop left and hitch right
6&step right to side, hop right and hitch left
7&8step left to side, hop left and hitch right, step right in place.

Tag 2:(16counts)
Sec T2-1: side, together, side, extend knee, touch cross, side, together, side, extend knee, touch cross
1, 2step right to side bending and extending knees, step left together bending and extending knees
3&4step right to side bending knee, extend right knee, touch left cross right
5,6step left to side bending and extending knees, step right together bending and extending knees
7&8step left to side bending knee, extend left knee, touch right cross left

Sec T2-2: side, together, side, extend knee, touch cross, (x2)
1,2right and step right to side bending and extending knees, step left together bending and extending knees
3&4step right to side bending knee, extend right knee, touch left cross right
5, 6step left to side bending and extending knees, step right together bending and extending knees
7&8step left to side bending knee, extend left knee, touch right cross left

Please refer to the video for details of arms movement.

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