CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Noëmie Pasquier - 2014
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#2 Tags : 12 counts at the end of wall 2 (6h) and at the end of wall 6 (9h) & 1 Restart on the wall 4 (3h)

Intro : 16 counts

Section 1 : Right rock fwd/recover, right coaster step, left triple step fwd, right step fwd 1/2 turn left
1-2Rock on RF forward, recover onto LF
3&4Step back on RF, close LF next to RF, step forward on RF
5&6Step LF forward, close RF next to LF, step LF forward
7-8Step RF forward, make a 1/2 pivot turn L 6H

Section 2 : Right rock side/recover, right behind side cross, left rock side/recover, left behind side cross
1-2Rock step on RF to right side, recover onto LF
3&4Step RF behind LF, step LF to left, cross RF over LF
5-6Rock step on LF to left side, recover onto RF
7&8Step LF behind RF, step RF to right, cross LF over RF
RESTART on the wall 4 facing 3H

Section 3 : Right heel fwd, hold, left heel fwd, right cross left, left step fwd 1/4 turn right, left triple step back with 1/2 turn right
1-2&Touch heel R fwd, hold, close RF next to LF
3&4Touch heel L fwd, close LF next to RF, cross RF over LF
5-6Step LF to left side, make a 1/4 pivot turn right (weight on the RF) 9H
7&8Step LF to left side with ¼ turn R, close RF next to LF, step back on LF with ¼ turn R 3H

Section 4 : Right step back, left heel fwd, left step fwd, together, right toe swivel, right heel swivel, left sailor step
1-2Step back on RF, touch heel L forward
3-4Step LF on place, close RF next to LF
5-6Swivel R toe to right, swivel R heel to right
7&8Cross LF behind RF, step RF to right side, step LF to left side

TAG : at the end of wall 2 (6h) & at the end of wall 6 (9h), add 12 counts and Restart
Right rock back/recover, right toe strut side, jazz triangle, left apple jack, right apple jack
1-2Rock back on RF, recover onto LF
3-4Touch R toe to the right side, lower R heel
5-8Cross LF over RF, step back on RF, step LF to left side, close RF next to LF
9-10Twist left toe & right heel to left, recover
11-12Twist right to & left heel to right, recover

Easy option (9-12) : toe fan left, recover, toe fan right, recover
Fun option : 9&10&11&12 twist left toe & right heel to left, recover, twist right toe & left heel, recover, repeat

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