CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 8 Stimmen)
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Daniel Whittaker (UK) - June 2015
Flashlight - Jessie J : (Album: Pitch Perfect 2, OST. - iTunes)
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RESTART: There is 1 Restart during wall 5, dance up to count (16&) and then Restart from the beginning facing 06:00 wall.

START: Start on vocals, 16 counts in to the music

[1-8] Side step, rock step, side rock, touch, Step side step, Rock over, Side rock, ¼ turn step
1-2&Step left to left side, rock right behind left, recover weight on left 12:00
3&4Rock right to the right side, recover weight on left, touch right beside left 12:00
5Step right to the right side 12:00
6&Rock left over right, recover weight on right 12:00
7&Rock left to the left side, recover weight on right 12:00
8&Step left behind right, make ¼ turn right stepping right foot forward 03:00

[9-16] Step forward, ½ turn step, rock step, Ball step, Full turn step, ¼ turn step
1Step left foot forward 03:00
2&3Step right foot forward (03:00), make ½ turn left (09:00), Rock right foot forward 09:00
4Recover weight back on left foot 09:00
&5Step right beside left, step left foot forward 09:00
6&7Step right foot forward, Make ½ turn left (03:00), Make a further ½ turn left stepping right foot back 09:00
8&Make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side, close right beside left 06:00

[17-24] Modified Jazz Box, Walk forward L-R, Rocking chair, ¼ turn
1Step left to left side 06:00
2&3Cross right over left, step left foot back, step right to right side 06:00
4-5Walk forward L-R 06:00
6&7&Rock left foot forward, Recover weight back on right, Rock left foot back, recover weight forward on right 06:00
8&Step left foot forward, make ¼ turn right 09:00

[25-32] Cross step, Side step rock step x 2, rock recover, cross ¼ turn
1Cross left over right 09:00
2-3&Step right to right side, rock left behind right, recover weight on right 09:00
4-5&Step left to left side, rock right behind left, recover weight on left 09:00
6-7Rock right foot forward, recover weight on left 09:00
&8&aStep right foot back, cross left over right, step right foot back, Make ¼ turn left 06:00


Contact: - - Mobile number: 07739 352209

Farmer Sue June 9, 2015
Hi is there going to be a video of this dance ? Have danced it and feels like restart on wall 3 !!!!

Stokies June 11, 2015
Hi farmer Sue,
.It does feel like a restart on wall 3, yes that works.But I also like Daniels dance through that restart feeling because it hits wall 4
perfectly. Then dance on to wall 5 restarting at the end of 2nd section.LOVE LOVE how it hits the crescendo break in the music. Nice work
Dan.I have a teacher problem now do I just go with teaching Nev and Julie's Advanced dance, which I adore or share this Mega song with t
the Imp/Int can I maintain two dances ???? will come back when I decide.
Well done Dan lovelly work

Best Wishes Victoria(Stoke)

Timmytort June 13, 2015
I looked at Nev and Julie's and that looks good too but I can't do that many turns or I get dizzy this was perfect for me. Great dance and like you said fits the music really well

mackie June 14, 2015
Have done Nev & Julies "Flashlight" fits a treat and going well. Cant say that I get dizzy Timmytort, the small amount of turns not a problem :D Great track so its good you have a choice of dance

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