#20 sec intro (36 counts)
Sec 1: Walk forward, side ball step rock, across, side, behind, triple cross over.
1 - 2Walk forward right, left.
&3Step to the side with ball of right foot, recover weight onto left.
4Step right across left
5 - 6Step left to the side, step right behind left
&7&8Step ball of left to the side, step right across left, step ball of left to the side, step right across left.
Sec 2: Side rock, recover, behind, side, across, side switches, heel switches.
1 - 2Rock left foot to the side, recover onto right
3&4Step left behind right, step right to the side, step left across right.
5&6&Touch right to the side, close right next to left, touch left to the side, close left next to right.
7&8&Touch right heel forward, close right next to left, touch left heel forward, close left next to right.
Sec 3: Pivot turn left, shuffle forward, pivot turn right, 1/2 turn shuffle around to the right.
1 - 2Step right foot forward, make a 1/2 turn left.
3&4Shuffle forward (right, left, right).
5 - 6Step left foot forward, make a 1/2 turn right
7&8Make a 1/2 turn shuffle around to the right (left, right, left).
Sec 4: Back rock, recover, kick ball step, heel & toe switches making 1/4 turn left.
1 - 2Rock back onto right, recover forward onto left.
3&4Kick right foot forward, step ball of right next to left, small step forward with left.
5&6Touch right heel forward, close right next to left, Touch left next to right (starting to turn 1/4 left).
&7&8Step onto Left, touch right next to left, step onto right (completing 1/4 turn left) touch left heel forward.
&Close left next to right. (you will of made a 1/4 turn left over counts 5 - 8).
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End of wall 2 facing 6 o clock
1- 4Cross right over left, step left foot back, step right to the side, small step forward with left (jazz Box)
End of wall 4 facing 12 o clock & wall 6 facing 6 o clock
1 - 4Cross right over left, step left foot back, step right to the side, small step forward with left (jazz Box)
5 - 8Repeat 1 - 4
Ending to finish facing the front (optional)
After counts 3&4 on wall 8 (9 o clock) 1/4 Monterey turn to the right.
1 - 4point right to the side, make 1/4 turn right as right closes to left, point left to the side, close left.
Optional styling addition counts 5 - 8& on section 2 (side & heel switches), when facing 3 oclock and 9 oclock walls on the lyrics"one day your gonna fly" gently flap your arms as you slowly and gracefully raise them to the side.
Sec 1: Walk forward, side ball step rock, across, side, behind, triple cross over.
1 - 2Walk forward right, left.
&3Step to the side with ball of right foot, recover weight onto left.
4Step right across left
5 - 6Step left to the side, step right behind left
&7&8Step ball of left to the side, step right across left, step ball of left to the side, step right across left.
Sec 2: Side rock, recover, behind, side, across, side switches, heel switches.
1 - 2Rock left foot to the side, recover onto right
3&4Step left behind right, step right to the side, step left across right.
5&6&Touch right to the side, close right next to left, touch left to the side, close left next to right.
7&8&Touch right heel forward, close right next to left, touch left heel forward, close left next to right.
Sec 3: Pivot turn left, shuffle forward, pivot turn right, 1/2 turn shuffle around to the right.
1 - 2Step right foot forward, make a 1/2 turn left.
3&4Shuffle forward (right, left, right).
5 - 6Step left foot forward, make a 1/2 turn right
7&8Make a 1/2 turn shuffle around to the right (left, right, left).
Sec 4: Back rock, recover, kick ball step, heel & toe switches making 1/4 turn left.
1 - 2Rock back onto right, recover forward onto left.
3&4Kick right foot forward, step ball of right next to left, small step forward with left.
5&6Touch right heel forward, close right next to left, Touch left next to right (starting to turn 1/4 left).
&7&8Step onto Left, touch right next to left, step onto right (completing 1/4 turn left) touch left heel forward.
&Close left next to right. (you will of made a 1/4 turn left over counts 5 - 8).
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End of wall 2 facing 6 o clock
1- 4Cross right over left, step left foot back, step right to the side, small step forward with left (jazz Box)
End of wall 4 facing 12 o clock & wall 6 facing 6 o clock
1 - 4Cross right over left, step left foot back, step right to the side, small step forward with left (jazz Box)
5 - 8Repeat 1 - 4
Ending to finish facing the front (optional)
After counts 3&4 on wall 8 (9 o clock) 1/4 Monterey turn to the right.
1 - 4point right to the side, make 1/4 turn right as right closes to left, point left to the side, close left.
Optional styling addition counts 5 - 8& on section 2 (side & heel switches), when facing 3 oclock and 9 oclock walls on the lyrics"one day your gonna fly" gently flap your arms as you slowly and gracefully raise them to the side.