前奏: Starts on Vocal (32 Counts) 32拍後唱歌起跳
第一段 |
Back, 1/4 Rock & Cross, 1/4, 1/2,
Rock & Step, Back. 後, 1/4下沉 回復 交叉, 1/4 1/2, 下沉 回復 踏, 後 |
1 |
Step back on Left. 左足後踏 |
2&3 |
Make 1/4 turn to Right rocking Right to Right side, recover on Left,
cross step Right over Left. 右轉90度右足右下沉, 左足回復, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
4-5 |
1/4 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/2 turn Right stepping forward
on Right. 右轉90度左足後踏, 右轉180度右足前踏 |
6&7 |
Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, step back on Left. 左足前下沉, 右足回復, 左足後踏 |
8 |
Step back on Right. 右足後踏 |
第二段 |
1/4, Rock & Side, Cross, Side,
Sailor 1/2, Step. 1/4, 下沉 回復 側, 交叉, 側, 轉水手, 踏 |
1 |
Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side. 左轉90度左足左踏 |
2&3 |
Cross rock Right over Left, recover on Left, step Right to Right side. 右足於左足前交叉下沉, 左足回復, 右足右踏 |
4-5 |
Cross step Left over Right, step Right to Right side. 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足右踏 |
6&7 |
Make 1/4 turn Left crossing Left behind Right, 1/4 turn Left stepping
Right next to Left, step forward on Left. 左轉90度左足於右足後交叉踏, 左轉90度右足併踏, 左足前踏 |
8 |
Step forward on Right. 右足前踏 |
第三段 |
1/2, Lock Step Back, Coaster Step,
Step, 1/2, 1/4. 1/2, 後鎖步, 海岸步, 踏, 1/2 1/4 |
1 |
Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping back on Left. 右轉180度左足後踏 |
2&3 |
Step back on Right, lock Left over Right, step back on Right. 右足後踏, 左足於右足後鎖踏, 右足後踏 |
4&5 |
Step back on Left, step Right next to Left, step forward on Left. 左足後踏, 右足併踏, 左足前踏 |
6-8 |
Step forward on Right, make 1/2 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/4
turn to Right stepping Right to Right side. 右足前踏, 右轉180度左足後踏, 右轉90度右足右踏 |
第四段 |
Cross, Back, Back, Cross, Back,
Together, Rock Step. 交叉, 後, 後, 交叉, 後, 併, 下沉 回復 |
1-4 |
Cross step Left over Right, step back on Right, step back on Left, cross
step Right over Left. 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足後踏, 左足後踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
5-8 |
Step back on Left, step Right next to Left, rock forward on Left,
recover on Right. 左足後踏, 右足併踏, 左足前下沉, 右足回復 |
**R** RESTART: Wall 2 & Wall 6. Dance up to &
including Count 32.. Then Restart dance from beginning.. Count 1 第二面牆及第六面牆跳至此, 從頭起跳 |
第五段 |
Back, Back. 3/8, Step, Rock Step, Back, Back, 1/4,
Step. 後, 後, 3/8, 踏, 下沉 回復, 後 後, 1/4 踏 |
1 |
Step back on Left. 左足後踏 |
2&3 |
Step back on Right, make 3/8 turn to Left stepping forward Left, step
forward on Right. (1:30) 右足後踏, 左轉135度左足前踏, 右足前踏(面向1:30) |
4-5 |
Rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
左足前下沉, 右足回復 |
6&7 |
Step back on Left, step back on Right, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping
forward Left. (10:30) 左足後踏, 右足後踏, 左轉90度左足前踏(面向10:30) |
8 |
Step forward on Right. 右足前踏 |
第六段 |
Step, 1/2 Side Shuffle, Walk, Walk, 3/8, 1/2, Sweep
1/4. 踏, 轉交換, 走, 走, 3/8, 1/2, 繞 1/4 |
1 |
Step forward on Left. 左足前踏 |
2&3 |
Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping Right to Right side, step Left next to
Right, step Right to Right side. (4:30) 右轉180度右足右踏, 左足併踏, 右足右踏(面向4:30) |
4-5 |
Step Left forward & slightly across Right, step Right forward &
slightly across Left. 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
6-7 |
Make 3/8 to Right stepping back on Left, 1/2 turn to Right stepping
forward on Right. (3:00) 右轉135度左足後踏, 右轉180度右足前踏(面向3點鐘) |
8 |
Make 1/4 turn to Right sweeping Left out to Left. (6:00) 右轉90度左足繞至前(面向6點鐘) |
**R2** RESTART 2: Wall 3. Dance up to & including Count 47..
Then on Count 48 finish the sweep touching Left next to Right..Then Restart
dance from beginning.. Count 1. 第三面牆跳至此, 將第8拍換成左足繞併點後, 從頭起跳 |
第七段 |
Cross, Coaster Cross, 1/4 Shuffle, 1/2, Rock Step. 交叉, 海岸交叉, 1/4轉交換, 1/2, 下沉 回復 |
1 |
Cross step Left over Right. 左足於右足前交叉踏 |
2&3 |
Step back on Right, step Left next to Right cross step Right over Left. 右足後踏, 左足併踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
4&5 |
Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping back on Left, step Right next to Left,
step back on Left. 右轉90度左足後踏, 右足併踏, 左足後踏 |
6-8 |
Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping forward on Right, rock forward on Left,
recover on Right. 右轉180度右足前踏, 左足前下沉, 右足回復 |
第八段 |
Back, Behind 1/4 Step, Rock Step, 1/2 Shuffle, Step. 後, 後 1/4 踏, 下沉 回復, 轉交換, 踏 |
1 |
Step back on Left. 左足後踏 |
2&3 |
Sweep Right out & cross step behind Left, make 1/4 turn Left
stepping forward Left, step forward on Right. 右足繞至左足後交叉踏, 左轉90度左足前踏, 右足前踏 |
4-5 |
Rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
左足前下沉, 右足回復 |
6&7 |
Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side, step Right next to
Left, 1/4 Left stepping forward Left. 左轉90度左足左踏, 右足併踏, 左轉90度左足前踏 |
8 |
Step slightly back on Right. 右足略後踏 |