Intermediate Waltz (Slightly speedy)
#24 Count Intro. Approx 10 seconds – [Track approx 2 mins 52 secs -]
S1: Basic ½ Turn Left, Basic ½ Turn Left.
1-3Step forward on Left, make a ½ turn Left stepping back on Right, step Left beside Right.
4-6Step back on Right, make a ½ turn Left stepping forward on Left, step Right beside Left. (12 o’clock).
S2: Rock Recover Back, ¾ Turn Right Sweep.
1-3Rock forward on Left, recover weight to Right, step back on Left.
4-6Make a ½ turn Right stepping forward on Right, on ball of Right make a ¼ turn Right sweeping Left round to in front of Right. (9 o’clock).
S3: Twinkle Left, Twinkle Right.
1-3Cross Left over Right, step Right to Right diagonal, step Left to Left diagonal.
4-6Cross Right over Left, step Left to Left diagonal, step Right to Right diagonal. (9 o’clock).
S4: Cross ¾ Turn Left, Full Spiral Turn Left.
1-3Cross Left over Right, make a ¼ turn Left stepping back on Right, make a ½ turn Left, stepping forward on Left.
4-6Cross Right over Left, unwind a full turn Left over counts 5-6 hooking Left in front of Right. (12 o’clock).
S5: Rock Recover Back, ¼ Turn Right Drag Touch.
1-3Rock forward on Left, recover weight to Right, step back on Left.
4-6Make a ¼ turn Right stepping Right to Right side, drag Left to beside Right on counts 5,6. (3 o’clock).
S6: 1/4 Turn Left With Right Ronde Sweep, Twinkle ½ Turn Right.
1-3Make a ¼ turn Left stepping forward on Left, ronde sweep Right over counts 2-3.
4-6Cross Right over Left, make a ¼ turn Right stepping back on Left, make a ¼ turn Right stepping Right to Right side. (6 o’clock).
S7: Twinkle Left, Twinkle Right.
1-3Travelling forward cross Left over Right, step Right to Right diagonal, step Left to Left diagonal.
4-6Travelling forward cross Right over Left, step Left to Left diagonal, step Right to Right diagonal. (6 o’clock).
S8: Rock Recover Back, ½ Turn Right, Step Pivot ½ Turn Right.
1-3Rock Forward on Left, recover weight to Right, step back on Left.
4-6Make a ½ Turn Right stepping forward on Right, step forward on Left, make a ½ turn Right. (6 o’clock).
(Option, for counts 4-6 – Right Coaster Step).
Choreographer’s note; During the last wall the beat disappears – keep the same dancing speed until it returns.
Hope you Enjoy
Contact: Dee – 07814 295470
S1: Basic ½ Turn Left, Basic ½ Turn Left.
1-3Step forward on Left, make a ½ turn Left stepping back on Right, step Left beside Right.
4-6Step back on Right, make a ½ turn Left stepping forward on Left, step Right beside Left. (12 o’clock).
S2: Rock Recover Back, ¾ Turn Right Sweep.
1-3Rock forward on Left, recover weight to Right, step back on Left.
4-6Make a ½ turn Right stepping forward on Right, on ball of Right make a ¼ turn Right sweeping Left round to in front of Right. (9 o’clock).
S3: Twinkle Left, Twinkle Right.
1-3Cross Left over Right, step Right to Right diagonal, step Left to Left diagonal.
4-6Cross Right over Left, step Left to Left diagonal, step Right to Right diagonal. (9 o’clock).
S4: Cross ¾ Turn Left, Full Spiral Turn Left.
1-3Cross Left over Right, make a ¼ turn Left stepping back on Right, make a ½ turn Left, stepping forward on Left.
4-6Cross Right over Left, unwind a full turn Left over counts 5-6 hooking Left in front of Right. (12 o’clock).
S5: Rock Recover Back, ¼ Turn Right Drag Touch.
1-3Rock forward on Left, recover weight to Right, step back on Left.
4-6Make a ¼ turn Right stepping Right to Right side, drag Left to beside Right on counts 5,6. (3 o’clock).
S6: 1/4 Turn Left With Right Ronde Sweep, Twinkle ½ Turn Right.
1-3Make a ¼ turn Left stepping forward on Left, ronde sweep Right over counts 2-3.
4-6Cross Right over Left, make a ¼ turn Right stepping back on Left, make a ¼ turn Right stepping Right to Right side. (6 o’clock).
S7: Twinkle Left, Twinkle Right.
1-3Travelling forward cross Left over Right, step Right to Right diagonal, step Left to Left diagonal.
4-6Travelling forward cross Right over Left, step Left to Left diagonal, step Right to Right diagonal. (6 o’clock).
S8: Rock Recover Back, ½ Turn Right, Step Pivot ½ Turn Right.
1-3Rock Forward on Left, recover weight to Right, step back on Left.
4-6Make a ½ Turn Right stepping forward on Right, step forward on Left, make a ½ turn Right. (6 o’clock).
(Option, for counts 4-6 – Right Coaster Step).
Choreographer’s note; During the last wall the beat disappears – keep the same dancing speed until it returns.
Hope you Enjoy
Contact: Dee – 07814 295470