High Intermediate waltz
Start: 48 Count intro
Tag: there is one tag during wall 5 (front wall) after count 48 you will be facing the back then you will do the tag that will bring you back to the front wall.
[1-6] Left step forward, Right Sweep, Right twinkle
1-3Step left forward & slightly across your body, sweep right foot from behind to front (over 2 counts) 12:00
4-6Cross right over left, Rock left to left side, recover weight on right 12:00
[7-12] Left step forward, Right Sweep, Right twinkle
1-3Step left forward & slightly across your body, sweep right foot from behind to front (over 2 counts) 12:00
4-6Cross right over left, Rock left to left side, recover weight on right 12:00
NOTE: On both sections above allow your body on counts 2-3 to face 10:00, then on count 4-6 your body will naturally square up to the 12:00 wall – and note we are moving forward
[13-18] Front, side, behind, ¼ turn, step ½ turn
1-3Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right 12:00
4-5Step right foot ¼ turn right (03:00), Step left forward, Make ½ turn right 09:00
[19-24] Step left forward, hold, step right forward, hold
1-3Step left foot forward, hold 09:00
4-6Step right foot forward, Hold 09:00
[25-30] Traveling ¾ turn
1-3Step left foot forward towards 7:00 wall, make a further turn left to face 3:00 wall stepping right foot back, then step left foot back 03:00
4-6Step right foot back, make ¼ turn left stepping left foot long step to left side, drag right to left 12:00
[31-36] Sway right-left
1-3Step right to right side at the same time sway to the right over 2 counts 12:00
4-6Sway left over 3 counts 12:00
[37-42] ½ turn sweep, cross, rock step
1Put weight on to right pivot on right foot and make ½ turn right, 06:00
2-3Sweeping left foot round to the left and over right. 06:00
4-6Cross step left over right, rock right forward to right diagonal, recover weight on left 07:00
[43-48] Behind, side cross, side step drag
1-3Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left 06:00
4-6Sep left long step to left side, drag right to left over 2 counts 06:00
[49-54] Twinkle ¼ turn, spiral turn
1-3Cross right over left, step left beside right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward right foot 09:00
4-6Step left foot forward, step right foot forward, make full turn spiral turn left weight on your right hook left heel across (1 counts) ** this step is quick ** 09:00
NOTE: If you get dizzy from turns then you can drag left foot beside right foot on count 6 instead of doing turn. 09:00
[55-60] ½ turn sweep, coaster step
1-3Step left forward, make ½ turn left sweeping right out and around over 2 counts 03:00
4-6Step right back, close left beside right, step right forward 03:00
[61-66] ½ turn sweep, basic back
1-3Step left forward, make ½ turn left sweeping right out and around over 2 counts 09:00
4-6Step right back, step left beside right, step right beside left 09:00
[67-72] Left back, sweep right, right back, sweep left
1-3Step left foot back, sweep right out to right side over 2 counts 09:00
4-6Step right back, sweep left foot out to left side over 2 counts 09:00
[73-78] Behind side cross, long side step right
1-3Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right 09:00
4-6Step right long step to right side, drag left to right over 2 counts 09:00
[79-84] Long side step left, twinkle ½ turn right
1-3Step left to left side, drag right to left over 2 counts 09:00
4-6Cross right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping left back, make further ¼ turn right stepping right to right Side 03:00
[85-90] Step kick kick, basic back
1-3Step left forward to right diagonal, kick right forward x 2 04:00
4-6Step right back, step left foot next to right, step forward on right (square up to 3:00 wall) 03:00
[91-96] Step forward, ¾ sweep, cross rise & hitch
1-3Step left foot forward, on counts 2-3 sweep right ¾ turn left to face back wall 06:00
4-6Cross right over left, hitch your left knee and raise body over 2 counts 06:00
TAG ~ NOTE: 12 count tag needed during wall 5, dance upto count 48 and you will end facing the 6:00 wall
[1-12] Right twinkle, modified left twinkle ½ turn, drag
1-3Cross right over left, small step left to left side, Step right to right side. 06:00
4-6Cross left over right, make ¼ turn left stepping right back, make a further ¼ turn left and hitch left knee 12:00
7-9Long step to left side, drag right to left stepping down on right & raise right knee 12:00
10-12Cross right over left, hitch your left knee and raise body over 2 counts 12:00
Tag: there is one tag during wall 5 (front wall) after count 48 you will be facing the back then you will do the tag that will bring you back to the front wall.
[1-6] Left step forward, Right Sweep, Right twinkle
1-3Step left forward & slightly across your body, sweep right foot from behind to front (over 2 counts) 12:00
4-6Cross right over left, Rock left to left side, recover weight on right 12:00
[7-12] Left step forward, Right Sweep, Right twinkle
1-3Step left forward & slightly across your body, sweep right foot from behind to front (over 2 counts) 12:00
4-6Cross right over left, Rock left to left side, recover weight on right 12:00
NOTE: On both sections above allow your body on counts 2-3 to face 10:00, then on count 4-6 your body will naturally square up to the 12:00 wall – and note we are moving forward
[13-18] Front, side, behind, ¼ turn, step ½ turn
1-3Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right 12:00
4-5Step right foot ¼ turn right (03:00), Step left forward, Make ½ turn right 09:00
[19-24] Step left forward, hold, step right forward, hold
1-3Step left foot forward, hold 09:00
4-6Step right foot forward, Hold 09:00
[25-30] Traveling ¾ turn
1-3Step left foot forward towards 7:00 wall, make a further turn left to face 3:00 wall stepping right foot back, then step left foot back 03:00
4-6Step right foot back, make ¼ turn left stepping left foot long step to left side, drag right to left 12:00
[31-36] Sway right-left
1-3Step right to right side at the same time sway to the right over 2 counts 12:00
4-6Sway left over 3 counts 12:00
[37-42] ½ turn sweep, cross, rock step
1Put weight on to right pivot on right foot and make ½ turn right, 06:00
2-3Sweeping left foot round to the left and over right. 06:00
4-6Cross step left over right, rock right forward to right diagonal, recover weight on left 07:00
[43-48] Behind, side cross, side step drag
1-3Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left 06:00
4-6Sep left long step to left side, drag right to left over 2 counts 06:00
[49-54] Twinkle ¼ turn, spiral turn
1-3Cross right over left, step left beside right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward right foot 09:00
4-6Step left foot forward, step right foot forward, make full turn spiral turn left weight on your right hook left heel across (1 counts) ** this step is quick ** 09:00
NOTE: If you get dizzy from turns then you can drag left foot beside right foot on count 6 instead of doing turn. 09:00
[55-60] ½ turn sweep, coaster step
1-3Step left forward, make ½ turn left sweeping right out and around over 2 counts 03:00
4-6Step right back, close left beside right, step right forward 03:00
[61-66] ½ turn sweep, basic back
1-3Step left forward, make ½ turn left sweeping right out and around over 2 counts 09:00
4-6Step right back, step left beside right, step right beside left 09:00
[67-72] Left back, sweep right, right back, sweep left
1-3Step left foot back, sweep right out to right side over 2 counts 09:00
4-6Step right back, sweep left foot out to left side over 2 counts 09:00
[73-78] Behind side cross, long side step right
1-3Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right 09:00
4-6Step right long step to right side, drag left to right over 2 counts 09:00
[79-84] Long side step left, twinkle ½ turn right
1-3Step left to left side, drag right to left over 2 counts 09:00
4-6Cross right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping left back, make further ¼ turn right stepping right to right Side 03:00
[85-90] Step kick kick, basic back
1-3Step left forward to right diagonal, kick right forward x 2 04:00
4-6Step right back, step left foot next to right, step forward on right (square up to 3:00 wall) 03:00
[91-96] Step forward, ¾ sweep, cross rise & hitch
1-3Step left foot forward, on counts 2-3 sweep right ¾ turn left to face back wall 06:00
4-6Cross right over left, hitch your left knee and raise body over 2 counts 06:00
TAG ~ NOTE: 12 count tag needed during wall 5, dance upto count 48 and you will end facing the 6:00 wall
[1-12] Right twinkle, modified left twinkle ½ turn, drag
1-3Cross right over left, small step left to left side, Step right to right side. 06:00
4-6Cross left over right, make ¼ turn left stepping right back, make a further ¼ turn left and hitch left knee 12:00
7-9Long step to left side, drag right to left stepping down on right & raise right knee 12:00
10-12Cross right over left, hitch your left knee and raise body over 2 counts 12:00