第一段 |
Roll Fwd, Step ¼ Turn, Sweep Point 前轉圈, 踏 轉1/4 繞點 |
1-3 |
Roll full turn fwd over L shoulder stepping L,R,L or Waltz fwd L,R,L 左轉圈-左, 右, 左或前華爾滋-左, 右, 左 |
4-6 |
Step fwd R, ¼ turn right sweeping L toe out and around into point [3.00] 右足前踏, 右轉90度左足趾繞至左點(面向3點鐘) |
第二段 |
Cross,Side,Behind,1/4 Turn,1/2 Sweep 交叉, 側, 後, 1/4, 1/2繞 |
1-3 |
Cross step L over R, step R to side, step L behind R 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足右踏, 左足於右足後踏 |
4-6 |
Step fwd R ¼ turning right, ½ turn right sweep L toe around in arc to [face
12.00] 右轉90度右足前踏, 右轉180度左足趾以弧度繞向前(面向12點鐘) |
第三段 |
Samba Fwd,1/2 Turn Waltz 前森巴, 1/2轉華爾滋 |
1-3 |
Step L across in front of R, step R to side, ret wt. to L, 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足右踏, 左足回復 |
4-6 |
Waltz Fwd R,L,R as you ½ turn right 右轉180度華爾滋-右, 左, 右 |
第四段 |
Roll Fwd, Rock Side, Cross Over 左前轉圈, 曼波交叉 |
1-3 |
Roll full turn fwd over L shoulder stepping L,R,L or waltz fwd L,R,L 左前轉圈-左, 右, 左(簡易版:前華爾滋) |
4-6 |
Rock R to side, ret wt to L, cross step R over L 右足右下沉, 左足回復, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
Finish dance count 24 rolling to front wall, step back
R drag L to R 跳至此, 舞曲結束時, 轉向前面牆, 右足後踏, 左足拖併 |
第五段 |
Weave Left Flick Right Leg 左藤步, 右抬 |
1-3 |
Step side L, cross R behind L, step side L, 左足左踏, 右足於左足後交叉踏, 左足左踏 |
4-6 |
Cross step R over L, step L to side, drag flick R behind L knee 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足左踏, 右足拖至左膝後抬 |
第六段 |
Weave Right, Angle Left, Drag Cross Touch 右藤步, 左弓, 拖併交叉點 |
1-3 |
Step R to side, step L behind R, step side R 右足右踏, 左足於右足後踏, 右足右踏 |
4 |
Cross step L over R, 左足於右足前交叉踏 |
5 |
step R to side angling body to left 45deg corner, 右足右踏身體彎向左45度 |
6 |
drag L toe across in front of R touching R toe on outside of R foot 左足於右足前交叉踏右足趾右點 |
第七段 |
Lock Fwd L Corner, Lock Fwd Right Corner 斜前鎖步, 斜前鎖步 |
1-3 |
Step fwd L, lock step R behind L, step fwd L facing left 45deg corner 左足前踏, 右足於左足後鎖踏, 面向左斜角左足前踏 |
RESTART/TAG: wall 5 dance to count 39 facing left corner,
waltz ½ turn right stepping R,L,R, to front wall, start dance from count 1 第五面牆跳至此面向左斜角, 右轉180度華爾滋-右, 左, 右, 面向前面牆, 從頭起跳 |
4-6 |
Angle body to right 45 deg corner step fwd R, lock step L behind R,step
fwd R 面向右斜角右足前踏, 左足於右足後鎖踏, 右足前踏 |
第八段 |
Lock Back L Angle,Lock Fwd R Corner 斜角左後鎖步, 斜角前鎖步 |
1-3 |
Angle body face next right corner step back L, cross lock R over L step
back L 右轉45度左足後踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足後踏 |
4-6 |
Turn body face next right corner, step fwd R, lock step L behind R, step
fwd R 右轉45度右足前踏, 左足於右足後踏, 右足前踏 |
(by the time you finish all the locks and corners you will be [facing
2.00]) 結束這個斜角轉時會面向2點鐘 |
第九段 |
Step Back,Drag,Full Turn Back 後踏, 拖併, 後轉圈 |
1-3 |
Straighten body to 3.00 long step back L, drag R heel to L
foot for next 2 counts 身體轉正面向3點鐘左後一大步, 右足踵以2拍拖併 |
4-6 |
Full turn back over right shoulder stepping R,L,R or waltz back R,L,R 右後轉圈-右, 左, 右(簡易版:後華爾滋-右, 左, 右) |
第十段 |
Repeat Above 6 Counts
重覆上面6拍 |
1-6 |
Repeat the last 6 counts, these steps all travel backwards still [facing
3.00] 重覆6拍, 仍向後移, 仍面向3點鐘 |
第十一段 |
Step Fwd, ¼ Turn,Rock, ½ Turn 踏, 左1/4, 下沉 回復 轉 |
1-3 |
Long step fwd L, ¼ turn left step R next to L, step L in place 左足前大步, 左轉90度右足併踏, 左足踏 |
4-6 |
Rock fwd R, back L,½ turn right onto R 右足前下沉, 左足後踏, 右轉180度 |
第十二段 |
Waltz Fwd, Turn Or Waltz Back 前華爾滋, 轉華爾滋(後華爾滋) |
1-3 |
Waltz fwd L,R,L 前華爾滋-左, 右, 左 |
4-6 |
Full turn back over right shoulder stepping R,L,R, or waltz back R,L,R 右後轉圈-右, 左, 右(簡易版:後華爾滋) |