Improver NC2S
Intro: 16 counts from when the beat kicks in, app. 14 seconds into track, dance begins with weight on R
There is a 4 count Tag after wall 5, you will be facing 6.00
There is a Tag/Restart on wall 7 after 17 counts
[1-9] Box, mambo 1/4, cross shuffle with sweep
1-2&3(1) Step fwd. on L, (2) step R to R, (&) step L next to R, (3) step back on R 12.00
4&5(4) Step L to L, (&) step R next to L, (5) step fwd. on L 12.00
6&7(6) Rock fwd. on R, (&) recover onto L, (6) turn 1/4 R stepping R to R 3.00
8&1(8) Cross L over R, (&) step R slightly R, (1) cross L over R sweeping R from back to front 3.00
[10-17] Cross, 1/8, back with sweep, behind, 1/4, step with sweep, cross, 1/8, back, mambo
2&3(2) Cross R over L, (&) turn 1/8 R stepping back on L, (3) step back on R sweeping L from front to back 4.30
4&5(4) Cross L behind R, (&) turn 1/4 R stepping fwd. on R, (5) step fwd. on L sweeping R from back to front 7.30
6&7(6) Cross R over L, (&) turn 1/8 stepping back on L, (7) step back on R 9.00
8&1(8) Rock back on L, (&) recover onto R, (1) step fwd. on L 9.00
NOTE The Tag/Restart is here, you’ll be facing 9.00.
On count 2: TURN 1/4 R and start the dance again facing 12.00
[18-24] Run fwd., point, run back, behind, side, cross rock, side, cross
2&3(2&) Run fwd. R, L, (3) point R fwd. (make it a soft point) 9.00
4&5(4&5) Run back R, L, R sweeping L from front to back 9.00
6&7(6) Cross L behind R, (&) step R to R, (7) rock L across R 9.00
&8&(&) Recover onto R, (8) step L to L, (&) cross R over L 9.00
[25-32] L basic, side, behind, 1/4, chase turn, run fwd.
1-2&(1) Step L to L, (2) rock back on R, (&) recover onto L 9.00
3-4&5(3) Step R to R, (4) cross L behind R, (&) turn 1/4 R stepping fwd. on R, (5) step fwd. on L 12.00
6&7(6) Step fwd. on R, (&) turn 1/2 L, (7) step fwd. on R 6.00
8&(8&) Run fwd. L, R 6.00
TAG Fwd. rock, back, back rock, step fwd.
1-2&(1) Rock fwd. on L, (2) recover onto R, (&) step back on L 6.00
3-4&(3) Rock back on R, (4) recover onto L, (&) step fwd. on R 6.00
There is a 4 count Tag after wall 5, you will be facing 6.00
There is a Tag/Restart on wall 7 after 17 counts
[1-9] Box, mambo 1/4, cross shuffle with sweep
1-2&3(1) Step fwd. on L, (2) step R to R, (&) step L next to R, (3) step back on R 12.00
4&5(4) Step L to L, (&) step R next to L, (5) step fwd. on L 12.00
6&7(6) Rock fwd. on R, (&) recover onto L, (6) turn 1/4 R stepping R to R 3.00
8&1(8) Cross L over R, (&) step R slightly R, (1) cross L over R sweeping R from back to front 3.00
[10-17] Cross, 1/8, back with sweep, behind, 1/4, step with sweep, cross, 1/8, back, mambo
2&3(2) Cross R over L, (&) turn 1/8 R stepping back on L, (3) step back on R sweeping L from front to back 4.30
4&5(4) Cross L behind R, (&) turn 1/4 R stepping fwd. on R, (5) step fwd. on L sweeping R from back to front 7.30
6&7(6) Cross R over L, (&) turn 1/8 stepping back on L, (7) step back on R 9.00
8&1(8) Rock back on L, (&) recover onto R, (1) step fwd. on L 9.00
NOTE The Tag/Restart is here, you’ll be facing 9.00.
On count 2: TURN 1/4 R and start the dance again facing 12.00
[18-24] Run fwd., point, run back, behind, side, cross rock, side, cross
2&3(2&) Run fwd. R, L, (3) point R fwd. (make it a soft point) 9.00
4&5(4&5) Run back R, L, R sweeping L from front to back 9.00
6&7(6) Cross L behind R, (&) step R to R, (7) rock L across R 9.00
&8&(&) Recover onto R, (8) step L to L, (&) cross R over L 9.00
[25-32] L basic, side, behind, 1/4, chase turn, run fwd.
1-2&(1) Step L to L, (2) rock back on R, (&) recover onto L 9.00
3-4&5(3) Step R to R, (4) cross L behind R, (&) turn 1/4 R stepping fwd. on R, (5) step fwd. on L 12.00
6&7(6) Step fwd. on R, (&) turn 1/2 L, (7) step fwd. on R 6.00
8&(8&) Run fwd. L, R 6.00
TAG Fwd. rock, back, back rock, step fwd.
1-2&(1) Rock fwd. on L, (2) recover onto R, (&) step back on L 6.00
3-4&(3) Rock back on R, (4) recover onto L, (&) step fwd. on R 6.00