CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Andante, Andante!

( 10 Stimmen)
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Upper Intermediate
Stephen Paterson (AUS) - January 2015
Andante, Andante - ABBA : (Album: Gold: Greatest Hits - 40th Anniversary Edition, iTunes - 4:40)
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Start dance after 32 counts on the word 'easy'
There are 2 Restarts, on the 4th wall after 20 counts, and on the 7th wall after 28 counts
Both Restart to the front wall

[1-8] R Back Sweep, Behind, Quarter Forward, L Side, Rock R Back, Recover, Quarter, Quarter, Together, Quarter Forward, Half Pivot, Together
1 2Step right back sweeping left around (1), cross left behind right (2)
a 3 4Turn 1/4 right then step right forward (a), step left out to side (3), rock step right behind left (4) 3.00
a 5Recover weight onto left in place (a), turn 1/4 left then step right back (5), 12.00
6 a 7Turn 1/4 left then step left out to side (6), step right beside left (a), turn 1/4 left then step left forward (7)
8 aPivot 1/2 right taking weight onto right in place (8), step left beside right (a) 12.00

[9-16] R Forward, Step, Pivot Quarter, Cross, Quarter Back, Eighth Forward, Cross, Side Rock, Cross, Side Rock, Cross, Side Eighth, Cross, Quarter Back
1 2 aStep right forward (1), step left forward (2), pivot 1/4 right taking weight onto right in place (a) 3.00
3 4 aStep left across right (3), turn 1/4 left then step right back (4), turn 1/8 left then step left forward (a) 10.30
5 & aStep right across left (5), rock step left out to side (&), recover weight onto right in place (a) 10.30
6 & aStep left across right (6), rock step right out to side (&), recover weight onto left in place (a) 10.30
7 &Step right across left (7), rock step left out to side (&), (counts 5 - 7 move forward) 10.30
aTurn 1/8 right then step right out to side (a) 12.00
8 aStep left across right (8), Turn 1/4 left then step right back (a) 9.00

[17-24] L Back, Lock, Back, Rock Back, Recover, Hitch Quarter, Back, Cross, Scissor, Cross, Ball Cross, Side Behind, Quarter
1 2 aStep left back (1), lock right back across left (2), step left back (a) 9.00
3 4Rock step right back (3), recover forward onto left in place (4), 9.00
&Turn 1/4 left whilst hitching right slightly (&) ** (Restart here on wall 4 to front) 6.00
a 5Step right back onto R45 (a), lock left back across right (5) 6.00
6 a 7Step right back onto R45 (6), step left beside right (a), step right across left (7) 6.00
a 8Step ball of left out to side (a), step right across left (8) 6.00
& aStep left out to side (&), step right behind left (a) 6.00

[25-32] Quarter, Scissor, Cross, Side, Drag, Back Sweep, Sailor Half Forward, Together, Forward Coaster
1 2Turn 1/4 left then step left forward (1), turn 1/4 left then step right out to side (2) 12.00
a 3Step left beside right (a), step right across left (3) 12.00
4 aStep left out to side (4), drag right together (a) *** (Restart here on wall 7 to front) 12.00
5 6Step right back sweeping left around (5), turn 1/4 left stepping left beside right (6) 9.00
a 7 aTurn 1/4 left stepping right in place (a), step left forward (7), step right beside left (a) 6.00
8 & aStep left forward (8), step right beside left (&), step left back (a) 6.00

On Wall 4 Dance up to count 20 &(**) then Restart to the front wall
On wall 7 Dance up to count 28 a(***) then Restart to the front wall

The Music during wall 8 slows down, keep dancing at normal pace to start wall 9 with music to back wall.
ENDING: Finish last wall to the front after the Sailor Half Forward

LDSP - Stephen Paterson Mob: +61 438 695 494, email:

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