CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Intermediate - smooth West Coast
Andie Ghidiu (USA) - March 2015
FourFiveSeconds - Rihanna and Kanye West and Paul McCartney
the workout crew remix: see note
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Sequence: *Tag, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,*Tag, 32,32
INTRO: 32 counts. The dance begins with the 16 count *tag (12:00).

(Note: If you use the workout remix, the intro will be 64 counts and the tag will occur after walls 1and 8)

Body of dance
[1-8] Rock-step, ½ shuffle turn, rock-step, ¾ shuffle turn
1-2Rock forward on L, recover R
3&4Turn ¼ L and step side, close R next to L, turn ¼ L and step fwd (12:00)
5-6Rock forward on R, recover L,
7-8triple R-L-R turning ¾ R (9:00)

[9-16] Cross-point, cross-point, rocking chair, cross-point
1-2Step L fwd crossing slightly over R, point R to R side
3-4Step R fwd crossing slightly over L, point L to L side
5&6&Rock L fwd at a R diagonal, recover R, rock L back at same diagonal, recover R
7-8Step L fwd at same diagonal, point R to R side straightening to face 9:00

[17-24] Cross-side, heel pop, hold, ball-cross, ¼ turn step, hitch, ¼ turn step, hitch
&1&2Cross R over L, step side L on L, Lift heels, lower heels
3&4Hold, step slightly in on ball of R, cross L over R
5-6Turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R, hitch L (12:00)
7-8Turn ¼ R stepping side L, hitch R (or touch) (3:00)

[25-32] Point, ¼ turn and close, point, ½ turn and hitch, wizard step, tap-ball-hitch
1-2Point R to R side, turn ¼ R and close R next to L (6:00)
3-4Point L to L side, turn ½ L and hitch L (weight remains on R) (12:00)
(wall 5 and going into wall 6 (listen as vocals slow here but keep dancing)
5-6&Step L fwd at a L diagonal, step R slightly behind L, step L fwd at same diagonal
7&8Tap R next to L, step R slightly to R side, hitch L * tag here after wall ( 6:00)

*16 count TAG (Begins the dance, and occurs again at the end of wall 6)
[1-8] Sway, sway, sway, touch, ¼ back, touch behind, pivot ½, pivot ¼, heel pop
1-2Step L to L side and sway L, sway R
3&4Sway L, touch R next to L, turn ¼ L and step back on R
5-6Touch L behind R, pivot ½ L keeping weight R
7&8Turn ¼ R shifting weight to L and face diagonally R, lift R heel up, lower heel

[9-16] Sway, sway, cross-rock-side, behind, unwind, hitch, step
1-2Sway R, sway L
3&4Touch R to front L diagonal, recover L, step R to R side
5, 6-7Cross L behind R, unwind full turn L over 2 counts
8&Lift R knee, step slightly fwd on R (begin dance with count 1 of first set)

Ending: dance ends on count 8 of last set. Replacement steps for 7&8 are as follows:
Tap, out-out
7&8Tap R next to L, step R to R side, step L to L side


Last Update – 17th March 2015

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