Section 1: R Lock step forward, Mambo step, Lock step back, ½ turn, ½ turn
1&2 Step R forward, L lock behind R, R step forward
3&4 L step forward, recover onto R, step L next to R
5&6 Step R back, lock L over R, step R back
7,8 ½ L onto L, ½ L (stepping back on R)
Section 2: Sweeping Sailor, Crossing Sambas (2x), step ¼ R
1&2 Sweep L behind R, step R to R side, L to L side
3a4 Cross R over L moving forward (on diagonal to L), ball L next to R, recover on R
5a6 Cross L over R moving forward (on diagonal to R), ball R next to L, recover on L
7&8 Step R, L forward ¼ R (weight on R)
Section 3: Weave R, rock, recover cross, step, touches (2x), step, ball cross
1&2&3 L over R, step R to R side, L behind R, R to R side, L over R
&4& R rock to R, recover onto L, cross R over L
5&6&7 Step L, touch R next to L, step R touch L next to R, step L
&8 ball (R), step L cross over R
Section 4: Side rock cross, step ¼ cross, side rock forward, rock recover, step ¼ L
12& Step R to R side, recover L, cross R over L
3&4 Step L forward ¼ R, recover to R, cross L over R
5&6Step R to R side, recover L, step R slightly forward
7&8Step L forward, recover R, step ¼ L (weight on L)
TAG: At the completion of 2nd wall facing 6:00 o’clock
R night club, L night club, ¼ R, chase turn, full turn (L)
1,2& R to R side, L behind R, recover onto R
3,4& L to L side, R behind L, recover onto L
5,6&7 Step ¼ R , step L ½ turn right, step L
8& turn ½ L back onto R, ½ L forward onto L
Latest update – 14th March 2015
1&2 Step R forward, L lock behind R, R step forward
3&4 L step forward, recover onto R, step L next to R
5&6 Step R back, lock L over R, step R back
7,8 ½ L onto L, ½ L (stepping back on R)
Section 2: Sweeping Sailor, Crossing Sambas (2x), step ¼ R
1&2 Sweep L behind R, step R to R side, L to L side
3a4 Cross R over L moving forward (on diagonal to L), ball L next to R, recover on R
5a6 Cross L over R moving forward (on diagonal to R), ball R next to L, recover on L
7&8 Step R, L forward ¼ R (weight on R)
Section 3: Weave R, rock, recover cross, step, touches (2x), step, ball cross
1&2&3 L over R, step R to R side, L behind R, R to R side, L over R
&4& R rock to R, recover onto L, cross R over L
5&6&7 Step L, touch R next to L, step R touch L next to R, step L
&8 ball (R), step L cross over R
Section 4: Side rock cross, step ¼ cross, side rock forward, rock recover, step ¼ L
12& Step R to R side, recover L, cross R over L
3&4 Step L forward ¼ R, recover to R, cross L over R
5&6Step R to R side, recover L, step R slightly forward
7&8Step L forward, recover R, step ¼ L (weight on L)
TAG: At the completion of 2nd wall facing 6:00 o’clock
R night club, L night club, ¼ R, chase turn, full turn (L)
1,2& R to R side, L behind R, recover onto R
3,4& L to L side, R behind L, recover onto L
5,6&7 Step ¼ R , step L ½ turn right, step L
8& turn ½ L back onto R, ½ L forward onto L
Latest update – 14th March 2015