CopperKnob Stepsheets

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High Intermediate
Vincent Albert - February 2015
Just a Dream - Carrie Underwood
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Intro: 16 counts in (approx.16 sec)
Notes: There are 4 Restarts in this dance - Wall 2, 4, 6 and 8.

#1 (1-8) R Cross, L Side Rock Cross with R Sweep, 1/8 (L) with R Forward Rock & Recover, R Back & L Hitch, L-R-L Curvature Run 3/8 (L), R Side Rock Cross
1Weight on LF: Cross RF over LF (1) – body is slightly facing at L diagonal 11.00
2&3Rock LF to L side squaring up to the original wall (2), recover weight on RF (&), cross LF over RF making RF sweep from back to front (3) – prep for L turn 12.00
4&5Turn 1/8 L rocking RF forward (4), recover weight on LF (&), step RF back lifting L knee up (5) 11.00
6&7Turn 1/8 L running LF forward (6), turn 1/8 L running RF forward slightly crossing over LF (&), turn 1/8 L running LF forward (7) – running in an arch 6.00
&8&Rock RF to R side (&), recover weight on LF (8), cross RF over LF (&) *** 6.00
Restart: Wall 4. Change the last step to ‘Touch R toes beside LF (&)’, facing 6.00 o’clock.

#2 (9-16) Spiral ¾ (R), R-L Run Forward, R Forward Lunge, Recover ½ (R) with R Forward & L Passe ½ (R), L Forward Rock ¼ (L), R Point, R Rolling Vine (R)
1Weight on LF: Turn ¼ R stepping LF back and execute another ½ R on ball of LF ended with RF crossing over LF (1) 3.00
2&3Run forward on RF (2), run forward on LF (&), press RF forward (3) 3.00
4&5Recover weight on LF (4), turn ½ R stepping RF forward (&), turn another ½ R on ball of RF placing LF next to R ankle (5) 3.00
6&7&Rock LF forward (6), recover weight on RF (&), turn ¼ L stepping LF to L side (7), point R toes to R side (&) *** 12.00
Restart: Wall 8. Instead of turning, ‘Touch R toes beside LF (8), point R toes to R side (&)’, facing 6.00 o’clock.
8&Turn ¼ R stepping RF forward (8), turn ½ R stepping LF back (&) 9.00

#3 (17-24) Completing Rolling Vine (R), L Cross Rock ¼ (L), R Pivot ¾ (L), R Side, L Weave, L Cross Rock Side, R Cross
1Weight on LF: Turn ¼ R stepping RF to R side (1) 12.00
2&3Cross rock LF over RF (2), recover weight on RF (&), turn ¼ L stepping LF forward (3) 9.00
4&5Step RF forward (4), turn ¾ L over L shoulder (&), take a big step on RF to R side (5) 12.00
6&7&Cross LF behind RF (6), step RF to R side (&), cross rock LF over RF (7), recover weight on RF (&) 12.00
8&Step LF to L side (8), cross RF over LF (&) *** 12.00
Restart: Wall 2 and 6. Change the last step to ‘Lift R knee up (&)’. Wall 2 – 6.00 o’clock, Wall 6 – 12.00 o’clock.

#4 (25-32) ¼ (R) with L Back, R Developpe ½ (R), R Forward, L Forward Rock ¼ (L), R Cross Unwind Full Turn (L), R-L Body Sway
1Turn ¼ R stepping LF back (1) 3.00
2&3Flick RF back (2), turn ½ R on ball of LF making RF draw a circle from L to R and slightly lifting R knee up (&), step RF forward (3) 9.00
4&5Rock LF forward (4), recover weight on RF (&), turn ¼ L stepping LF to L side (5) 6.00
6&Cross RF over LF (6), make a full turn L over L shoulder ended with both feet close together (&) – no weight 6.00
7-8Both feet are apart: Sway body to R side (7), sway body to L side (8) 6.00


Last Update - 7th March 2015

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