CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 35 Stimmen)
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Advanced - Non-Country with WCS feel
Linda McCormack (UK) & Rachael McEnaney (USA) - November 2014
The Locomotion (Live) - Kylie Minogue : (Album: Showgirl - Homecoming Live - 4:43)
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Count In: 8 counts from when first beat kicks in, Start dancing at approx 35secs.
Notes: A, B, A (with ¼ turn), B, B, A, B, B END.

Part A: 72 counts
A [1 – 8] Step R to R diagonal, touch L with hip bump, Step L to diagonal, touch R with hip bump, R fwd rock, R back, ½ turn L
1 2Begin the dance facing the back: Step R to right diagonal (1), touch L next to R as you bump hip to left (2), 6.00
3 4Step L to left diagonal (3), touch R next to L as you bump hip right (4) 6.00
5 6 7 8Rock R forward (5), recover weight L (6), step back R (7), make ½ turn left stepping forward L (8) 12.00
*2nd wall At end of part B on 1st wall you will be facing 3.00: Do the first 8 counts as above but on count you will make a ¼ turn left (not ½)

A [9 – 16] Walk fwd R-L, R side ball change, R cross, L side ball change, R step, L cross, ¾ turn L
1 2 & 3 4Step forward R (1), step forward L (2), step ball of R to right side (&), step slightly forward L (3), cross R over L (4) 12.00
& 5 6Step ball of L to left side (&), step slightly forward R (5), cross L over R (6), 12.00
7 8Make ¼ turn left stepping back R (7), make ½ turn left stepping forward L (8) 3.00

A [17 – 24] ¼ turn L stepping side R, L ball-cross R, L sweep, L cross, ¼ R shuffle, ½ L shuffle
1 & 2Make ¼ turn left taking big step with R to right (drag L toe towards R) (1), step slightly back on ball of L (&), cross R over L (2) 12.00
3 4Sweep L foot from back to front (3), cross L over R (4) 12.00
5 & 6Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (5), step L next to R (&), step forward R (6) 3.00
7 & 8Make ½ turn left stepping forward L (7), step R next to L (&), step forward L (8) 9.00

A [25 – 32] Running “paddle turn” R (full turn), L side rock, L behind, R side, L cross
1 &Step forward R making 1/8 turn right (1), step ball of L forward making 1/8 turn right (&), 12.00
2 &Step forward R making 1/8 turn right (2), step ball of L forward making 1/8 turn right (&), 3.00
3 &Step forward R making 1/8 turn right (3), step ball of L forward making 1/8 turn right (&), 6.00
4 5 6Step forward R making 1/4 turn right (4), rock L to left (5), recover weight R (6) 9.00
7 & 8Cross L behind R (7), step R to right side (&), cross L over R (8) 9.00

A [33 – 40] Big step R with drag, L ball-cross R, L sweep, L cross, ¼ R shuffle, ½ L shuffle (similar to counts 17-24)
1 & 2Take big step R (drag L toe towards R) (1), step slightly back on ball of L (&), cross R over L (2) 9.00
3 4Sweep L foot from back to front (3), cross L over R (4) 9.00
5 & 6Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (5), step L next to R (&), step forward R (6) 12.00
7 & 8Make ½ turn left stepping forward L (7), step R next to L (&), step forward L (8) 6.00

A [41 – 48] R ‘Dorothy step’, diagonal L, ½ turn R sailor step, 1/8 R with L ball-cross R, ¼ R with slide L, ¼ R flick L
1 2 & 3Step R to right diagonal (1), lock ball of L behind R (2), step R to right diagonal (&), step L to left diagonal (3) 6.00
4 & 5Lock ball of R behind L (4), make ¼ turn right stepping L next to R (&), make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (angle to diagonal 1.30) (5) 1.30
& 6Still facing diagonal (1.30): Step ball of L to left side (&), cross R over L (6) 1.30
7 8Make ¼ turn R taking big step to left with L (7), make ¼ turn R stepping R next to L as you flick L foot back (8)
(styling: we like to make count 7 a slide on the floor with L foot) 6.00

A [49 – 56] L fwd, R kick, x2 R ball change, walk fwd R-L-R, ½ pivot turn L
1 2 & 3Step forward L (1), kick R forward (2), step slightly back on ball of right (&), step in place L (3), 6.00
& 4Step slightly back on ball of right (&), step in place L (4) 6.00
5 6 7 8Step forward R (5), step forward L (6), step forward R (7), pivot ½ turn L (8) 12.00

A [57 – 64] Side R, touch L, side L touch R, 1 ¾ rolling turns to R,
1 2Step R to right side (1), touch L next to R (2)
Optional arms: lift R arm straight up (1), bring R arm down as if touching L shoulder (&), take R arm straight down to right side 45°(2) 12.00
3 4Step L to left side (3), touch R next to L (4)
Optional arms: lift L arm straight up (3), bring L arm down as if touching R shoulder (&), take L arm straight down to left side 45° (4) 12.00
5 6Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (5), make ½ turn R stepping back L (6), 9.00
7 8Make ½ turn R stepping forward R (7), make ½ turn R stepping back L (8) 9.00

A [65 – 72] ¼ R with Syncopated chasse R (with optional body roll), hold, hip bump L-R, big hip circle L
1 2Make ¼ turn right stepping R to right side as you begin optional body roll backwards (angle body to 10.30) (1), hold or finish bodyroll(2) 12.00
& 3 4Step L next to R (&), step R to right side as you begin optional body roll backwards (angle body to 10.30 (3), hold or finish bodyroll (4) 12.00
5 6 7 8Bump hips to left (5), bump hips to right (6), take hips left and continue making a circle with hips counter-clockwise (weight ends L) (8) 12.00

PART B: 32 counts
B [1 – 8] R vaudeville, L vaudeville with ¼ L, R vaudeville, R ball, L cross, R back
1 & 2Cross R over L (1), step L to left side (&), touch R heel to right diagonal (2) 12.00
& 3 & 4Step in place on R (&), cross L over R (3), make ¼ turn left stepping back R (&), touch L heel to left diagonal (4) 9.00
& 5 & 6Step in place on L (&), cross R over L (5), step left to left side (&), touch R heel to right diagonal (6) 9.00
& 7 8Step in place on R (&), cross L over right (7), step back R (8) 9.00

B [9 – 16] Step L next to R, take big step fwd R, brush L, ¼ turn R stepping side L, touch R, hold, ¼ turn R stepping out-out (R-L), hold, step in-in (R-L), step out-out (R-L)
& 1 2Step L next to R (&), take big step forward R (1), brush L next to R (2) 9.00
& 3 4Make ¼ turn right stepping L to left side (&), touch R next to L (3), hold (snap fingers above head for style) (4) 12.00
& 5 6Make ¼ turn right stepping R to right side (slightly back) (&), step L to left side (5), hold (6) 3.00
& 7 & 8Step slightly back on R (&), step L next to R (7), step R to right side (slightly back) (&), step L to left side (8) 3.00

B [17 – 24] R jazz box, ¼ turn L into R weave
1 2 3 4Cross R over L (1), step back L (2), step R to right side (3), step forward L (4) 3.00
& 5 & 6Make ¼ turn left stepping R to right side (&), cross L behind R (5), step R to right side (&), cross L over R (6) 12.00
& 7 & 8Step R to right side (&), cross L behind R (7), step R to right side (&) cross L over R (8) 12.00

B [25 – 32] R point, R cross, L point, L cross, ¼ turn R with R toe strut (see styling), L toe strut (see styling)
1 2 3 4Point R to right side (1), cross R over L (2), point L to left side (3), cross L over R (4) 12.00
5 6Make ¼ turn right as you press ball of R forward (5), drop R heel to floor (style: as you do this slide L foot back) (6) 3.00
7 8Press ball of L forward (7), drop L heel to floor (style: as you do this slide R foot back) (8) 3.00

A, B, A (with ¼ turn), B, B, A, B, B END.
.1st wall: Do the whole dance through part A and part B, you will finish B facing 3.00
.2nd wall: See notes above under part A counts 1-8, you will make a ¼ turn left instead of ½ turn so that you are facing front to continue dance as before.
Then do part B twice.
.3rd wall: Part A, then Part B followed by the ENDING below

END: For a nice finish: on 3rd wall – during second time of part B dance up to count 24,
then have everyone run to the right and then towards the center for a big “TA-DA!!!” – jazz hands finishing pose!!


Rachael : - - Tel: +1 407-538-1533 - +44 7968181933

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