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Go Out With Me Tonight

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Fraugner - November 2014
Go Out With Me Tonight - The Northern Lies
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The dance starts on lyric

Sektion 1 : Side rock, behind, side, cross, re& li
1 - 2Rock right to right side, recover on left,
3 & 4Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5 – 6Rock left to left side, recover on right
7 & 8Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right

Sektion 2: Touch back & heel & step, step turn ½, shuffle turn ½ , touch (12.00)
1 & 2 &Touch right behind left, close to left, touch left heel in front, close left to right
3 – 4Step, step (right left)
5½ turn right
6 & 7Shuffle back with ½ turn right
8Touch right next to left

Sektion 3 : Side rock cross, re & li, Monterey turn (6.00)
1 & 2Rock right to right side, recover, cross right over left
3 & 4Rock left to left side, recover, cross left over right
5 – 6Point right to right, ½ turn right, close right to left
7 – 8Point left to left, close left to right

Sektion 4: Kick ball cross 2 x side rock, behind, side ¼ turn (3.00)
1 & 2Kick right forward, close right to left, cross left over right
3 & 4like 1 & 2
5 – 6Rock right to right side, recover
7 & 8Cross right behind left, step left to left side, ¼ turn left, step forward on right

Sektion 5: Point & heel & heel & point, sailor step re, touch back ½ turn (9.00)
1 & 2Point left toe to left side, close left next to right, touch right heel forward
&3 & 4close right next to left, touch left heel forward, close left next to right, Point right toe to right side
5 & 6Cross right behind left, step left to left side, weight recover to right foot
7 – 8touch left foot behind right, ½ turn left

Sektion 6 : turn ½, turn ½ , shuffle, step turn step, touch, hold (3.00)
1 – 2½ turn back right, ½ turn forward on left
3 & 4Shuffle forward on right
5 & 6Left step forward, ½ turn right, left step forward
7 – 8Right toe touch next to left, hold
(The ending starts here, after wall 3, you can hear it at the music)

Sektion 7: cross & heel & cross & heel, step turn ½ , shuffle turn ½
1 & 2 &Cross right over left, left step to left side, touch right heel to right side forward, Close right to left
3 & 4 &like 1 & 2 & beginning left
5 – 6Step forward on right, ½ turn left
7 & 8Shuffle back with ½ turn left

Sektion 8 : Coaster step li, walk, walk, Jazz box (3.00)
1 & 2Step back left, close right to left, step forward left
3 – 4Step forward right and left
5 – 6Cross right over left, step left back
7 – 8Step right to right side, step left forward

Tag: Section 1 toe, heel, step re & li, rock step, shuffle turn ½ (3.00)
1 & 2Touch right toe beside left (right knee turned in), dig right heel beside left (knee turned out) step forward on right
3 & 4touch left toe beside right (left knee turns in), dig left heel beside right (knee turned out) step forward on left
5 – 6Rock forward, recover
7 & 8Shuffle back with ½ turn right
Section 2 Toe, heel step li & re, rock step, 1/4 turn li, touch (6.00 Uhr)
1 – 6like section 1 Tag, beginning left
7 – 8¼ turn left, right touch next to left
After wall 1 dance Tag 1 x
After wall 2 dance section 1 of the Tag 3x and then section 2

Ending: After wall 3 (3.00) start with section 7 (you can hear it at the music) again incl. 2 x section 1 of tag, than section 2 of tag, change 7 - 8 to ½ turn step ¼ turn touch. The dance ends on 12.00 o clock


Last Update – 26th Nov 2014

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