(32 count intro)
Sec. 1 (1-8) Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Back, Back, Press, Recover
1,2,3,4Step R to R side, touch L next to R, Step L to L side, Touch R next to L (use the hips when you step for styling – get sassy)
5,6,7,8Walk back R, L (taking weight), Press fwrd on R shifting hips fwrd, shift weight back to L (12:00)
Sec.2 (9-16) Walk 3X, Kick, Walk Back 3X, Touch
1,2,3,4Walk fwrd R, L, R, Kick the L fwrd
5,6,7,8Walk back L, R, L, Touch R next to L (you can touch slightly back for styling) (12:00)
RESTART here on wall 3 facing 6:00
Sec. 3 (17-24) Step, Point, Step, Point, Weave w/ ¼ Turn L
1,2,3,4Step R fwrd, Point L to L Side, Step L fwrd, Point R to R side
5,6,7,8Cross R over L, L to L side, R behind, ¼ turn L stepping R fwrd (9:00)
Sec. 4 (25-32) All Attitude….Hips Fwrd (sway), Hips back (sway), Alternating hips
1-2, 3-4Bring R thru center to step to diagonal (10:30) Sway hips fwrd to R leg for 2 counts, sway to back leg – L for 2 counts
5,6,7,8Using a smooth hip mvmnt alt. weight fwrd, back, fwrd, back taking weight on 8 (9:00)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script.
Video rights assigned to choreographer. -
All rights reserved.
Sec. 1 (1-8) Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Back, Back, Press, Recover
1,2,3,4Step R to R side, touch L next to R, Step L to L side, Touch R next to L (use the hips when you step for styling – get sassy)
5,6,7,8Walk back R, L (taking weight), Press fwrd on R shifting hips fwrd, shift weight back to L (12:00)
Sec.2 (9-16) Walk 3X, Kick, Walk Back 3X, Touch
1,2,3,4Walk fwrd R, L, R, Kick the L fwrd
5,6,7,8Walk back L, R, L, Touch R next to L (you can touch slightly back for styling) (12:00)
RESTART here on wall 3 facing 6:00
Sec. 3 (17-24) Step, Point, Step, Point, Weave w/ ¼ Turn L
1,2,3,4Step R fwrd, Point L to L Side, Step L fwrd, Point R to R side
5,6,7,8Cross R over L, L to L side, R behind, ¼ turn L stepping R fwrd (9:00)
Sec. 4 (25-32) All Attitude….Hips Fwrd (sway), Hips back (sway), Alternating hips
1-2, 3-4Bring R thru center to step to diagonal (10:30) Sway hips fwrd to R leg for 2 counts, sway to back leg – L for 2 counts
5,6,7,8Using a smooth hip mvmnt alt. weight fwrd, back, fwrd, back taking weight on 8 (9:00)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script.
Video rights assigned to choreographer. -
All rights reserved.