CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Georgia Vroon-Sigalas - November 2014
Texas QLD 4385 - Lee Kernaghan
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Intro: 32 tellen (after the restart is a change in the walls)

[1 t/m 8] kick, hook, kick Fwd (twice), rock Bkw, recover, scuff, stomp [12.00]
1 & 2RF kick Fwd, RF hook
3 & 4RF kick Fwd, repeat
5 & 6RF step Bkw, recover on LF
7 & 8RF scuff Fwd, RF stomp Fwd

[9 t/m 16] heel swivel R, ½ turn R in toe strut (twice), step Bkw, hook [12.00]
1 & 2both heels to the right, recover
3 & 4½ turn right and step Fwd on RF toe, RF put heel down
5 & 6½ turn right and step Bkw on LF toe, LF put heel down
7 & 8RF step Bkw, LF hook

[17 t/m 24] rolling vine L, point, swivel & ¼ turn L, recover, swivel, hook [03.00]
1 & 2LF step ¼ left, RF step ½ left
3 & 4LF step ¼ left, RF touch toe to the right side
5 & 6both heels to the left, recover
7 & 8both heels to the left, RF hook

[25 t/m 32] lockstep Fwd, stomp, applejacks [03.00]
1 & 2RF step Fwd, LF lock behind RF
3 & 4RF step Fwd, LF stomp next to RF
5 & 6LF toe to the left & RF heel to the left, recover
7 & 8LF heel to the right & RF toe to the right, recover

[33 t/m 40] cross, ¼ turn R (twice), step Fwd, scoot & hitch 2x, side, hook [09.00]
1 & 2RV step crossed LF, LF step ¼ right
3 & 4RF step ¼ right, LF step Fwd
5 & 6jump on LF diagonal right Fwd & RF hitch, repeat
7 & 8RF step to the right, LF hook Bkw (touch with right hand left heel)

[41 t/m 48] vine L, stomp, stomp side, stomp, swivel L [09.00]
1 & 2LF step left, RF step across LF
3 & 4LF step left, RF stomp next to LF
5 & 6RF stomp to the right side, LF stomp little to the left side
7 & 8RF heel to the left, RF toe to the left
Restart in the 5th time dancing (instrumental part of the music)

[49 t/m 56] pivot turn, pivot turn, kick Fwd, ¼ turn L & flick, rock Bkw [06.00]
1 & 2RF step Fwd, turn on toes of both feet ½ left
3 & 4RF step Fwd, turn on toes of both feet ½ left
5 & 6RF kick Fwd, turn ¼ left on LF & RF kick Bkw
7 & 8RF step Bkw, recover on LF

[57 t/m 64] heel jacks [06.00]
1 & 2RF step across LF, LF step to the left
3 & 4RF touch heel diagonal right Fwd, RF put down
5 & 6LF step across RF, RF step to the right
7 & 8 LF touch heel diagonal left Fwd, LF put down

******* ******* *******

Tag 8 counts, after 2nd time dancing [12.00]
[1 t/m 8] scuff, stomp, heel tabs (R & L)
1 & 2RF scuff Fwd RF stomp diagonal right Fwd
& 3 & & 4& RF heel up, RF heel down, & RF heel up, RF heel down
5 & 6LF scuff Fwd, LF stomp diagonal left Fwd
& 7 & & 8& LF heel up, LF heel down, & LF heel up, LF heel down

Restart in the 5th time dancing is a RESTART after 48 counts (section 6) [12.00 –> 09.00]
*2 wall line-dance, after the RESTART is a change in de walls
From 12.00 – 06.00 to 09.00 – 03.00 hours

Thanks to Aad, a big fan of Country Music and especially Lee Kernaghan.

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