CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Drip Droppin (慢慢往下) (zh)

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Kate Sala (UK) - 2010年08月
Start Without You - Alexandra Burke
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前奏: Start after a 24 count intro. 17 secs. On main vocals.   24拍(約17秒)唱歌後起跳
Step Right, Together, Forward, Mambo Step, Coaster Cross & Cross & Cross.  , , , 前曼波, 海岸交叉, 併 交叉 併 交叉
Step R to R side. Step L next to R. Step forward on R.
右足右踏, 左足併踏, 右足前踏
Rock forward on L. Rock back on R. Step back on L.
左足前下沉, 右足後下沉, 左足後踏
Step back on R. Step L next to R. Cross step R over L.
右足後踏, 左足併踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏
Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L.
左足略左踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏
Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L. (Facing 12 0’clock).  左足略左踏, 右足於左足交叉踏(面向12點鐘)
On the chorus as she sings drip dropping, Start the syncopated cross shuffle high on the balls of the feet and bring it lower ending with knees bent. 
當唱到「drip dropping」時,膝蓋配合彎曲以略低的姿勢做交叉交換的舞步
Step Left, Together, Forward, Mambo Step With ½ Turn Right, Mambo Step With 1/4 Turn L, Stomp x2.
, , , 曼波轉, 前曼波帶左1/4, 重踏二次
Step L to L side. Step R next to L. Step forward on L.
左足左踏, 右足併踏, 左足前踏
Rock forward on R. Rock back on L. Make ½ turn R stepping forward on R.   右足前下沉, 左足回復, 右轉180度右足前踏
Rock forward on L. Rock back on R. Make 1/4 turn L stepping L to L side.
左足前下沉, 右足回復, 左轉90度左足左踏
Stomp R down next to L. Stomp L down in place. (3 0'clock)
右足併重踏, 左足併重踏(面向3點鐘)
Mambo Forward, Hip Bumps Back, Mambo Back, Hitch Up, Step Forward.
前曼波, 後推臀, 後曼波, ,
Rock forward on R. Rock back on L. Step back on R.
右足前下沉, 左足回復, 右足後踏
Touch Ltoe back to L diagonal bumping L hip back. Bring weight back over R foot. Step L back to L diagonal Pushing L hip back.
左足趾斜角後點左後推臀, 右足後踏, 左足斜後踏左後推臀
Rock back on R. Rock forward on L. Step forward on R.
右足後下沉, 左足回復, 右足前踏
Hitch L knee up while raising up onto the ball of R. Step forward on L.  左膝抬, 左足前踏
Mambo Forward On Right, Sailor Step With ½ Turn Left, Walk x2, Triple Full Turn Left, Step Forward.  前曼波, 轉水手, 走 走, 三步轉圈,
Rock forward on R. Rock back on L. Step back on R.
右足前下沉, 左足回復, 右足後踏
Cross step L behind R. Turn 1/4 L stepping R down in place. Turn 1/4 L stepping slightly forward on L.
左足於右足後交叉踏, 左轉90度右足踏, 左轉90度左足略前踏
Step forward on R. Step forward on L.  右足前踏, 左足前踏
Triple full turn on the spot over L shoulder on R, L, R. Small step forward on L (9 0'clcok).
原地三步左轉圈-, , , 左足略前踏(面向9點鐘)
RESTART: Wall 6, still facing 12 0'clock, dance the first (32 &) counts only. Then start from the beginning of the dance.  第六面牆面向12點鐘, 跳至此, 從頭起跳
Modified Jazzbox, Full Turn Left, chasse Left. 
變奏爵士方塊, 左轉圈, 左追步
TAGAFTER wall 4, facing 12 0'clock, ADD the 32 count Tag, After the 32 count tag, restart the dance from count 33.
第四面牆面向12點鐘, 32拍後, 接著第五段繼續跳
RESTART wall 5 from here AFTER the TAG, facing 12 0'clcock.
第五面牆由加拍結束後, 面向12點鐘, 從這兒開始跳
Step forward on R. Cross step L over R. 
右足前踏, 左足於右足前交叉踏
Step back on R. Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L.  右足後踏, 左足略左踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏
Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on L. Turn ½ L stepping back on R. .
左轉90度左足前踏, 左轉180度右足後踏
Turn 1/4 L stepping L to L side. Step R next to L. Step L to L side.
左轉90度左足左踏, 右足併踏, 左足左踏
RESTART from here on wall 2  第二面牆跳至此, 從頭起跳
Modified Jazzbox, Rock Left out to Left Side, recover, Cross Shuffle.
變奏爵士方塊, 左足左下沉, 回復, 交叉交換
Step forward on R. Cross step L over R.右足前踏, 左足於右足前交叉踏
Step back on R. Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L.  右足後踏, 左足略左踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏
Rock out to L side on L. Recover on to R.  左足左下沉, 右足回復
Cross step L over R. Step R to R side. Cross step L over R.
左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足右踏, 左足於右足前交叉踏
TAG: 32 Counts: At the END of wall 4, facing 12 0'clock, ADD the following 16 counts and repeat the 16 counts.  加拍:32, 第四面牆結束, 面向12點鐘, 跳下面16拍兩次
Step Right, Cross Rock Left behind R, Turn 1/4 L, Booty Turn L x 3, Step Out Left, Step Out Right.
, 交叉下沉 回復, 1/4, 左轉臀三次, 大 大
Step R to R side. Cross rock on L behind R. Recover on R. Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on L.
右足右踏, 左足於右足後交叉下沉, 右足回復, 左轉90度左足前踏
Pivot on L foot, Stomping down on R x 3 & rolling hips anti clockwise completing 3/4 turn L. (12 0'clock)
以左足當軸, 逆時針左轉90度右足重踏三次帶轉臀(面向12點鐘)
Step L out to L side. Step R out to R side.  左足左前踏, 右足右前踏
Step Left, Cross Rock R behind Left, Step Right, Cross Rock Left behind Right, Step Left, Together With Booty Shake Or Shimmy, Step Left, Roll back on to heels, Recover.
, 後下沉, 回復, , 後下沉, 回復, , , 左 轉踵 回復
Step L to L side. Cross rock on R behind L. Recover onto L.
左足左踏, 右足於左足後交叉下沉, 左足回復
Step R to R side. Cross rock on L behind R. Recover onto R.
右足右踏, 左足於右足後交叉下沉, 右足回復
Step L to L side. Step R next to L. During counts 5 6 shake your booty or shimmy your shoulders.  左足左踏, 右足併踏(配合搖擺身體或抖肩)
Step L to L side. Roll back on to the heels pushing bottom back. Recover pushing hips forward.  左足左踏, 重心在雙踵後推臀, 前推臀
Wall 7, facing 9 0'clock dance the first 30 counts only and to make a nice finish, step forward on Right, pivot ½ turn L, step forward on Right on counts 31 &32. Da Da........finishing the dance facing 12 0'clock!
第七面牆面向9點鐘跳完30拍後, 31&32改成:右足前踏, 左軸轉180, 右足前踏, 面向12點鐘結束舞曲
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