CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Make It Shake

( 126 Stimmen)
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Phrased Advanced
Fred Whitehouse (IRE) & Darren Bailey (UK) - October 2014
Intro – 32 counts, from the rapping section.

Sequence – A,B, A,A, A,A, B,TAG, A,A, B,B

Section A - 32 counts
A1: Rock Recover X 3, Hop Back X2
1,2&rock RF to R side, recover onto L, close RF next to L
3,4&rock LF to L side, recover onto R, close LF next to R
5,6rock RF forward, recover onto L
7,8hop back on RF x2

A2: Step Hitch, Step Flick, Step Lock, Rock Recover
1,2step LF back diagonal (7.30), hitch R knee up beside L knee
3,4touch RF to R side, flick RF behind L knee (still on diagonal)
5,6step RF forward (12.00) lock LF behind R popping R knee
7,8rock RF behind L popping L knee, recover weight onto LF

A3: Dorothy Step, Chest Pop, ¼ Heel Grind, Heel Switch And Scuff
1,2step RF forward to R diagonal, lock LF behind R
&3&4step RF to R side, step LF to L side, expand chest out, bring chest back in,(chest pop) keep weight on L
5,6cross R heel over LF, ¼ turn stepping LF back (face 3.00)
&7&8close RF next to L, touch L heel forward, close LF next R, scuff RF forward

A4: Hop Kick X2, Jump Flick, Jump Lock, Hop X2
1,2hop on LF kicking RF back, hop on LF kicking RF forward ( RF shouldn’t touch floor)
3,4jump both feet shoulder width apart, hop RF toward L as you flick LF across R shin
5,6jump both feet shoulder width apart, jump both feet together as you lock LF behind R
7,8make ½ turn L with mini hop (unwind feet), make ½ turn L with mini hop (close both feet together) or choose easier option for the 8 counts above.
Easier option:
1-2&Touch Rf back, Kick Rf forward, close Rf next to Lf
3-4Touch Lf to L side, Hitch L knee
5-6Touch Lf to L side, Lock Lf behind Rf
7-8Make a 1/2 turn L mini Hop (unwind feet), make a 1/2 turn L mini Hop (Feet closed)
face 3.00 start dance

Section B - 32counts
B1: Stomp, Hip Rolls X3, Hitch, Stomp, Hip Bumps X4
1-4stomp RF to R side make full circles with hips anti clockwise x3, hitch L knee on count 4
5-8step LF to L side bumping hips to L x4 placing weight on L ( use shoulders to style movement)

B2: Step Hitch Clap X2, Step Close X2
1,2step RF back diagonal, hitch L knee and clap hands together
3,4step LF back diagonal, hitch R knee and clap hands together
5,6¼ turn R stepping RF to R side, close LF next to R,
7,8step RF to R side, close LF next to R

Repeat First 16 Counts Again.
End of section B

TAG - Box Step With Body Rocks
1&2rock body back as you step RF to R side (raise ONE arm in the air), rock body forward, rock body back (weight should be on RF)
3&4¼ R stepping LF to L side rocking body back (raise both hands in the air), rock body forward, rock body back (weight should be on LF)
5&6¼ R stepping RF to R side rocking body back (raise ONE arm in the air), rock body forward, rock body back (weight should be on RF)
7&8¼ R stepping LF to L side rocking body back ( raise both arms in the air) rock body forward, rock body back (weight should end on LF)

This Tag only happens once, the words JUMP JUMP are repeated several times.

Last Update – 27th Oct 2014

whitehouse November 2, 2014
Nice to have a dance with plenty of body moves and funky feeling

Brett January 20, 2017
This dance will be my next goal to line dance ! It's amazing ! Great job !

Patsey January 26, 2022

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