CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Little Apple

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Phrased Intermediate
Melvin Tan (MY) - August 2014
Little Apple - Chopstick Brothers
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Dance Start from beginning. - Sequence: A1, B, C, A2, B, C, TAG, C, ENDING

PART A (32 counts)
(A1) Section 1: Facing Back (6.00) Hold 8 counts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Hold

(A2) Section 1: Facing Front (12.00) – R Step Forward, Pivot 1/2L Turn, Out, Out
1 2 3 4Step RF forward, Hold, Pivot 1/2L Turn, Hold,
5 6 7 8Step RF to R, Hold, Step LF to L, Hold

Section 2: R Hip Bump 4x, R Hip Bump 4x
1 2 3 4Bump Hip to Right 4 times (Point Right Finger to diagonal R)
5 6 7 8Bump Hip to Left 4 times (Point Left Finger to diagonal L)

Section 3: Sway Hip
1 2 3 4Sway Hip RLRL (Raise both hands from hips to above head)
5 6 7 8Sway Hip RLRL (Lower both hands from top to hips)

Section 4: 1/2L Turn R Hip Bump 4x, L Hip Bump 4x
1 2 3 4½ L turn step RF to R & Bump Hip to Right 4 times
5 6 7 8Bump Hip to Left 4 times

PART B (64 counts)
Section B1: R Side Chasse, Rock Back, L Side Chasse, Rock Back,
1&2 3 4Step R to R, Step LF beside RF, Step RF to R, Rock Back on LF, Recover on RF
5&6 7 8Step L to L, Step RF beside LF, Step LF to L, Rock Back on RF, Recover on LF

Section B2: Monterey 1/4R Turn
1 2Touch RF to side, Turn 1/4R with weight on LF & Step RF together
3 4Touch LF to side, Step LF together
5 6Repeat 1 2
7 8Repeat 3 4

Section B3: Forward Shuffle, Pivot 1/2Turn R, Forward Shuffle, Full Turn/Walk Walk
1&2 3 4Forward Shuffle RF, LF, RF, Step LF forward 1/2R Turn,
5&6Forward Shuffle LF, RF, LF,
7 81/2L Turn & Step RF Back, ½L Turn & Step LF Forward
(Easier Option: Walk on RF, LF)

Section B4: Cross Side Sailor Step, Cross Side Sailor 1/4L Turn
1 2Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L,
3&4Step RF back, Step LF together, Step RF to Side
5 6Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R,
7&8Turn ¼ R & Step LF back, Step RF together, Step LF Forward

Section B5: Walk, Walk, Sway Hip, Stand Apart, R Hip Bump
1 2 3 4Step RF forward, Hold, Step LF Forward, Hold (9.00)
5 6 7 8Sway Hip Right, Left, Center, Bump Hip to R with weight on RF.

Section B6: Walk, Walk, Sway Hip, R Hip Bump
1 2 3 4Turn ¼ L & Step LF forward, Hold, Step RF Forward, Hold (6.00)
5 6 7 8Sway Hip, Left, Right, Left, Bump Hip to R with weight on RF

Section B7: Walk, Walk, Sway Hip, R Hip Bump (Repeat Section 6)
1 2 3 4Turn ¼ L & Step LF forward, Hold, Step RF Forward, Hold (3.00)
5 6 7 8Sway Hip, Left, Right, Left, Bump Hip to R with weight on RF

Section B8: Walk, Walk, Bounce 4x
1 2 3 4Turn 1/4L & Step LF forward, Hold, Step RF Forward, Hold (12.00)
5 6 7 8Step LF to L & Bounce 4 times (with clap)

PART C (64 counts)-Chorus
Section C1: Step, Touch, Step, Together, Heel Bounce 4x
1 2 3 4Step RF to R, Touch LF beside RF, Step LF to L, Step RF Together
(Hand Mvmt : 1,2 Left fingers does a “C’mon” gesture. 3,4 Right hand does a thumbs up “It’s mine” gesture)
5 6 7 8Tap both heels together four time
(Hand Mvmt : 5,6 Shape a small circle (5) and a bigger circle (6) with both palms, 78 Push both hands out to side)

Section C2: Repeat Section C1

Section C3: Left Heel Tap 4x, Small Quick Step to R 4x/ Right Heel Tap 4x
1 2 3 4Step LF to Left with Heel Tap 4 times
(Put left hand behind right ear, Right hand diagonal up)
5&6&7&8Step RF to Right & Step on ball of LF – 4 times
(Put left hand behind head, Right hand do a punch style at chest)
(Option: 5678 Step RF to Right with Heel Tap 4 times)

Section C4: Out, Out, In, In, Hand movement, Left Jump 3x
1 2 3 4Step RF diagonal R, Step LF to L, Step RF back, Step LF together
5 6Hold 2 count (Hand Movement : Both hands at temple of head & sweep hands back
7&83 Small jump to Left (both hands behind ears)
(Option: Left side Chasse on LF,RF,LF)

Section C5: Repeat Section C1

Section C6: Repeat Section C1

Section C7: Repeat Section C3

Section C8: Out, Out, In, In, Sway Hip R,L,R,L
1 2 3 4Step RF diagonal R, Step LF to L, Step RF back, Step LF together
5 6 7 8Sway hip R,L,R,L with knees slightly bent

TAG (32 counts)
Section T1: R Side Chasse, L Side Chasse
1 & 2Step RF to R, Step LF beside RF, Step RF to R (Both hands roll & clap)
3 & 4Step LF to L, Step RF beside LF, Step LF to L (Both hands roll & clap)
5 & 6Step RF to R, Step LF beside RF, Step RF to R (Both hands roll & clap)
7 & 8Step LF to L, Step RF beside LF, Step LF to L (Both hands roll & clap)

Section T2: Repeat Section 1

Section T3: R Side Chasse 2x, L side Chasse 2x
1&2&3&4Step RF to R, Step LF beside R x 3 times, Step RF to R (Both hands roll x3 & clap)
5&6&7&8Step LF to L, Step RF beside LF x 3 times, Step LF to L (Both hands roll x 3 & clap)

Section T4: Step Touch Forward, Step Touch Back
1 2Step RF forward, touch LF to L (Both hands roll & clap)
3 4Step LF forward, touch RF to R (Both hands roll & clap)
5 6Step RF back, touch LF to L (Both hands roll & clap)
7 8Step LF Back, touch RF to R (Both hands roll & clap)

ENDING (16 counts)
Section E1: Walk Forward, Pose
1 2 3 4Walk Forward on RF, LF, RF, Pose weight on LF
5 6 7 8Hold 4 counts

Section E2: Walk Back, Pose
1 2 3 4Walk Back on RF, LF, RF, Pose weight on LF
5 6 7 8Hold 3 counts, Pose weight on RF


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