32 Count 2 Wand Improver Musik: Country Down to My Soul - Lee Roy Parnell
48 Count 4 Wand Beginner / Improver waltz Musik: Rose of My Heart - Foster & Allen : (iTunes, amazon)
64 Count 1 Wand Beginner Musik: Stand by Me - Prince Royce : (3:26)
32 Count 4 Wand Low Intermediate Musik: 落花流水 - Luo Hua Liu Shui (落花流水) / CD: Diamond Dance Hits
24 Count 2 Wand Improver Musik: 龍千玉vs蔡小虎-落花淚(官方KTV版)
32 Count 4 Wand Low Intermediate Musik: Luo Ye Piao Yu by Long Piao Piao
64 Count 1 Wand Phrased Intermediate Musik: Luo Ye Piao Yu by Long Piao Piao
32 Count 4 Wand Improver Musik: Lupa Nama Ingat Rasa - OKAAY
32 Count 2 Wand Intermediate NC2S Musik: Lupakan Cinta - Rossa
48 Count 4 Wand Beginner Musik: Little Latin Lupe Lu - Bill Medley : (iTunes)
24 Count 4 Wand Beginner - waltz Musik: Luri Wisako - Lagu Daerah Minahasa
32 Count 1 Wand Easy Fun Dance Musik: Thriller - Michael Jackson : (of course! lol)
32 Count 4 Wand Intermediate Musik: Lush Life - Zara Larsson
32 Count 4 Wand Novice Musik: Lush Life - Zara Larsson
32 Count 4 Wand Newcomer – Novice Musik: Lush Life - Zara Larsson
32 Count 2 Wand Newcomer / Novice – Non Country - Smooth WCS Musik: Lush Life - Zara Larsson
32 Count 4 Wand Improver Musik: Lush Life - Zara Larsson
32 Count 4 Wand Improver Musik: Lush Life - Zara Larsson
32 Count 4 Wand Intermediate Musik: Dust on the Bottle - David Lee Murphy
46 Count 4 Wand - Musik: I Feel Lucky - Mary Chapin Carpenter