
Phrased High Intermediate
Joey Warren (USA) - August 2014
Superbad - Jesse McCartney

Counts: A-32, B-32 || Notes: Walls: 2 - 1 Tag

Sequence – AA A B AA (B-)Tag AA B

Part A – 32 counts
A1: R Cross, L Rock and cross; point R; R fwd rock and point; R behind, side, cross
1,2&Cross R over L, Press L out to L side, Recover weight over to R
3,4Cross L over R, Touch R out to R side
5&6Cross rock R over L, Recover back on L, Point R out to R
7&8Step R behind L, Step L out to L, Cross R over L

A2: Step-Lock-Full Turn, Step-Heel Twist x3
&1,2Step L out to L, Lock R foot behind L, Start full turn unwind to R
3,4Finish Turn on count 3, Step L out to L side on count 4
&5&6Swivel R heel in, Swivel R heel back to center, Swivel R heel in, Swivel R heel back to center
&7Swivel R heel in, Swivel R heel back to center taking weight,

A3: Touch- Step-Touch-Step; 1/4 Sailor , Slow Wizard, Fast Wizards; L Rock & Behind
&8&1Touch L next to R, Step L to L, Touch R next to L, Strong step R to R
2&3Step L behind R, ¼ Turn R stepping R fwd, Step L fwd
4&5Step/Lock R behind L, Step L fwd, Step R Fwd toward R diagonal
&6&7Step/Lock L behind R, Step R fwd, Step L fwd to L diagonal, Step/Lock R behind L
&8&Rock L out to L, Recover out to R with R, Step L behind R

A4: Large Step R with R, Drag L, Ball-Cross Side, ¼ Sailor, Step Pivot ½ Turn
1,2,3Step R out to R as you start dragging L toward R, Drag L over counts 2-3
&4Ball cross L over R, Step R out to R side
5&6Step L behind R, ¼ Turn L taking weight on to R, Step L fwd
7,8Step fwd on R, ½ Turn Pivot L taking weight fwd on to L

PART B – 32 counts
B1: Slow Cross R over L; L rock recover; Slow Cross L over R: 1/4 hinge left, 1/4 hinge left
1234Slow cross R over L (1-2), Rock L out to L, Recover over to L
5678Slow cross L over R (5-6), ¼ L stepping R back, ¼ L stepping L to L side

B2: R Cross, Rock, Side; L Cross, Rock, Side; Forward R Mambo; L Coaster Step
1&2Cross R over L, Rock out to L with L, Recover over on R
3&4Cross L over R, Rock out to R with R, Recover over on L (travel fwd on these steps)
5&6Rock fwd on R, Recover back on L, Step R back slightly behind L
7&8Step back on L, Step R back beside L, Step L fwd

B3: Step R, Scoot L; Step L, Scoot R; Heel Switches (R&L); Touch L out, in, out
1-2Step forward on R, Scoot L together with R, touching L next to R
3-4Step forward on L, Scoot R together with L, touching R next to L
5&6&Touch R heel forward, Bring R back to center, Touch L heel forward, Bring L back to center
7&8Touch R toe out to right side, Touch R toe next to L, Touch R toe out to right

B4: Jump Cross, Jump Out, Hold, Rock Back Recover, Step Touch x3, Rock & Cross
&1,2Jump together crossing R over L, Jump feet apart, Hold (weight needs to be on L)
3&4Rock R back behind L, Recover down on L, Step R fwd towards R diagonal
5&6&Step L back on L diagonal, Touch R next to L, Step R back on R diagonal, Touch L next to R
7,&Step L back on L diagonal, Touch R next to L
8&1Rock R out to R, Recover over to L, Cross R over L (That cross is start of your dance)

TAG – 16 Counts
(Happens during your 2nd B – Dance all the way to your Jump Cross and Jump Out Hold)
You will hold 2 extra counts before you start your Tag (Jumps &1 then Hold 234)
AppleJacks (Single, Single, Double, Single, Single Hold)
1&2&Swivel R heel in L toe out, back to center, Swivel L heel in R toe out, Back to center
3&4&Swivel R heel in L toe out, back to center, Swivel R heel in L toe out, Back to center
5&6&Swivel L heel in R toe out, back to center, Swivel R heel in L toe out, back to center
7-8&Swivel L heel in R toe out, Hold count 8, Back to center for count &

AppleJacks (Single, Single, Double, Single, Single Hold Ball Cross)
1&2&Swivel R heel in L toe out, back to center, Swivel L heel in R toe out, Back to center
3&4&Swivel R heel in L toe out, back to center, Swivel R heel in L toe out, Back to center
5&6&Swivel L heel in R toe out, back to center, Swivel R heel in L toe out, back to center
7,8&1Swivel L heel in R toe out, Hold count 8 weight on R, Ball step L to R, Cross R over L
(That cross is start of your dance)