Holding A Little Love
Donna Manning (USA) - February 2014
Holdin' Her - Chris Janson
Earned It - The Weeknd : (Album: 50 Shades of Grey)
NO Tags Or Restarts
Sec. 1 (1-6) ½ of a Diamond
1,2,3R across L (10:30), Step L fwrd (10:30), 1/8 turn L Stepping R to R side (9:00)
4,5,61/8 turn L- L back to 7:30, R back to 7:30, 1/8 turn L Stepping L to L side (6:00)
(The step on count 1 is the first 1/8 of a turn for those of you math geeks wondering….lol!)
Sec.2 (7-12) R Fwd Balance, L Back Balance
1,2,3Step R Fwd, Bring L close to R, Change weight to R
4,5,6Step L back, Bring R close to L, Change weight to L (6:00)
Sec.3 & 4 (13-24) REPEAT Section 1 then Section 2 (12:00)
Sec. 5 (25-30) ¼ Turn R Fwd Balance, L Back Balance
1,2,3Step R fwd, on the ball of the R turn ¼ to the R taking weight to L next to R, Change weight to R
4,5,6Step L back, Close R to L, Change weight to L (3:00)
Sec.6 (31-35) Step, Point, Hold, Step, Point, Hold
1,2,3Step R fwd, Point L toe to L side, Hold
4,5,6Step L fwd, Point R toe to R side, Hold (3:00)
Sec.7 (36-42) Step Back, Point, Hold, Step Back, Point, Hold
1,2,3Step R back, Point L toe to L side, Hold
4,5,6Step L back, Point R toe to R side, Hold (3:00)
Sec.8 (43-48) Cross Breaks (hesitation steps)
1,2,3Cross R over L – pushing off the ball of the R , recover to L, Step R to R Side
4,5,6Cross L over R – pushing off the ball of the L, recover to R, Step L to L Side (3:00)
Have Fun!!
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script.
Video rights assigned to choreographer. dancinfreedonna@gmail.com - www.dancinfree.com
All rights reserved.