Warung Pojok
Nenny Bambang (INA) - May 2013
Warung Pojok - Yani Purbasari & Angga Prawira : (Album: Indonesian Folksongs West Java Sunda)
Intro : 17 seconds
Section 1 : Diagonal R, Diagonal L, Touch Flick, Step Lock Step
1Step R to diagonally R (1.30)
2Touch L beside R
3Step L diagonally L (10.30)
4Touch R beside L
5Touch R forward (12.00)
6Flick R acroos L
7Step R forward
&Step L behind R
8Step R forward (12.00)
Section 2 : Touch, Turn ¼ L, Touch, Hold, Turn ¼ R & Side, Turn ¼ R & Forward, Back, Touch
1Touch L behind R
2Turn ¼ L step L to L
3Touch R beside L
4Hold while take left hand up and hip bump
5Turn ¼ R step R to right
6Turn ¼ R step L forward
7Step R back
8Touch L beside R (3.00)
Section 3 : Rock Recover, Turn ½ L Shuffle, Touch Sweep, Back Shuffle
1Step L forward
2Recover R
3Turn ½ L step L forward (3.00)
&Step R behind L
4Step L forward
5Touch R slighty in front L
6Sweep R from front to back
7Step R back
&Step L beside R
8Step R back
Section 4 : Touch, Sweep, Back Shuffle, Bend, Up, Shoulder Forward
1Touch L slightly in front of R
2Sweep L from front to back
3Turn 1/8 R to diagonally R (10.30) step L back on R
&Step R beside L
4Step L back
5Push upper body back with both arms stretching to sides (say “aa”)
6Push upper body forward both arms still stretching to sides (say “ee”)
7Bend down with arms down at waist level (say “aa”)
&Bend down with arms at hips level put body on L (say “aa”)
8Flick R across L and bring left chest just like touching your heart (say “ee”)
TAG : at the end of wall 6 (6.00).
Do the 4 counts of Section 1, turn ¼ R and start the next wall (9.00)
ENDING : on wall 12 facing 6.00 the music will slowing down at the end of wall 12 with the same speed dance until count 4 on section 2 (hip bump) facing 3.00, full turn walk on R L R L touch L beside R (R arm up) bend down on R, as the music ends straighten body up.
Contact : mdeshimona@yahoo.com