Come And Get It
Nicky Tan (MY) - June 2013
Come & Get It - Selena Gomez
Dance starts after 16 counts.
1-3Stand with both legs slightly apart - Right Hip Bump, Left Hip Bump, Right Hip Bump, and do different pose with each count
4Close RF together and place both palms together (12:00)
Section 1 : Right Hip Drop, Left Hip Thrust, Left Ronde & Step Back, Right Ronde & Step Back
&1&2Touch RF slightly forward & Lift R hip (&), Drop R hip (1), Lift R hip (&), Place RF in place & drop R hip (2)
3&4Touch LF slightly forward & Push L hip forward twice
5,6Ronde LF from front to back, Step LF back
7,8Ronde RF from front to back, Step RF back (12:00)
Section 2 : Travelling Twist to 1/2 R Turn, Forward Step Touch, Back Step Touch
&1&2&3&4Twist L hip forward & back slowly making a 1/2 R turn (weight on RF) (6:00)
5-8Step LF forward, Touch RF beside LF, Step RF back, Touch LF beside RF
Section 3 : Left Samba, Cross, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Step Forward, Press Step, Together, Left Hip Drop Twice
1&2Cross LF over RF, Rock RF to side, Recover on LF (6:00)
&3&4Cross RF over LF, Turn 1/4 R & Step LF back, Turn 1/4 R & Step RF to side, Step LF forward (12:00)
5,6Press RF to side, Step RF together
&7&8Lift L hip, Drop L hip, Lift L hip, Drop L hip (12:00)
Section 4 : Full Turn Triple Step, Cross & Cross, 1/2 L Turn Cross & Cross, Step, 1/4 L Turn
1&2Turn 1/4 L & Step LF forward, Turn 1/2 L & Step RF back, Turn 1/4 L & Step LF to side (12:00)
3&4Cross RF over LF, Step LF to side, Cross RF over LF
5&6Turn 1/2 L & Cross LF over RF, Step RF to side, Cross LF over RF (6:00)
7,8Step RF forward, Turn 1/4 L with weight on LF (3:00)
1) At the beginning of the dance, after 2x8 counts Intro
2) After Wall 3 (9:00)
3) At Wall 6, dance for 16 counts, close both feet together (9:00), do tag (3:00) and Restart
4) After Wall 8 (3:00)