A Tiny Slip
Lesley Kidd (UK) - May 2013
Section 1: Step touch X2, side, together, step forward
1-4Step L to side, touch R beside L, step R to side, touch L beside R
5-8Step L to side, close R beside L, step L forward, touch R beside L
Section 2: Step touch X2, side, together, step back
1-4Step R to side, touch L beside R, step L to side, touch R beside L
5-8Step R to side, close L beside R, step R back, touch L beside R
Section 3: Step touch, back touch, back touch, step touch (on diagonal)
1-4Step L diagonally forward, touch R beside L with clap/finger click, Step R diagonally backward, touch L beside R with clap/finger click
5-8Step L diagonally backward, touch R beside L with clap/finger click, Step R diagonally forward, touch L beside R with clap/finger click
Section 4: Step scuff X4, turning 180 degrees to face the back
1-8Making a semi-circular turn to the left, step L. Scuff R, step R, scuff L, Step L, scuff R, step R, scuff L
Contact: lesleykidd18@sky.com