Girl On Fire

Nicky Tan (MY) - January 2013
Girl On Fire (Bluelight Version) - Alicia Keys

Dance starts after first (8x8 counts)+ (4 counts)

Section 1 : Step Forward, Point, Step Back, Point, Hitch, Step Forward, ½ R Turn, Tap Tap, Big Step Forward
1,2&Step LF forward, Touch RF to side, Step RF back
3,4Touch LF to side, Hitch LF (12:00)
5,6Step LF forward, Turn ½ R with weight on LF (6:00)
7&8Tap RF twice, Step RF forward

Section 2 : Step Side, Together, Cross, Step Side with Body Roll, Walk Back, Touch Back, ½ R Turn
1,2&Step LF to side, Step RF together, Cross LF over RF
3,4Do a side body roll to R & Step RF to side, Transfer weight to LF & Do a Left shoulder Pop
5,6Step RF back, Step LF back (6:00)
7,8Touch RF back, Turn ½ R with weight on RF (12:00)

Section 3 : Left Nightclub Basic, Sailor Step with ¾ L Turn, Step Forward, V-Step end with Hitch
1 2&Step LF to side, Rock RF behind LF, Recover on LF (12:00)
3 4&Turn ¼ L & Step RF to side, Turn ¼ L & Step LF back, Turn ¼ L Step RF forward(3:00)
5,6&Step LF forward, Step RF diagonally forward, Step LF to side
7,8Step RF back, Step LF together & Hitch RF at the same time

Section 4 : Walk, Walk, Pivot /12 R, Triple Full Turn, Sway RLR
1,2,3Step RF forward, Step LF forward, Turn ½ R with weight on RF (9:00)
4&5Turn ½ R & Step LF back, Turn ½ R & Step RF forward, Step LF forward
6-8Step RF to side & Sway body R, L, R (9:00)

Tag - 4counts (After Wall 3, 9:00)
1-4Step LF next to RF & Bend knees & body forward with head close to chest, Slowly look up over 3 counts
(Styling : Hands on chest & Open hands up and out to side slowly)

Ending (12:00)
Do first 6 counts of Section 1 and continue with a Step Forward, ½ R Turn to face front wall again.
1,2&Step LF forward, Touch RF to side, Step RF back
3,4Touch LF to side, Hitch LF (12:00)
5,6Step LF forward, Turn ½ R with weight on RF (6:00)
7,8Repeat Steps 5,6 (12:00)
