Clean Outta Sight

Jackie Lynn (UK) - September 2012
Uptight (Everything's Alright) - Stevie Wonder : (Album: The Definitive Collection)

48 count intro – Starts on the word ‘Baby’

Step, kick, step,kick, step, kick, step, touch
1 - 4Step Right forward, kick Left forward, step Left forward, kick Right forward.
5 - 8Step Right forward, kick left forward, step Left forward, touch Right next to Left.

Step, touch diagonally back x 4
1 - 2Step Right back diagonally, touch Left beside Right.
3 - 4Step Left back diagonally, touch Right beside Left.
5 - 6Step Right back diagonally, touch Left beside Right.
7 - 8Step Left back diagonally, touch Right beside Left.

Grapevine right, touch, grapevine Left, touch
1 - 4Step Right side, cross Left behind Right, step Right side, touch Left next to Right.
5 - 8Step Left side, cross Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, touch Right next to Left.

Step forward Right, hold, ¼ pivot Left, hold, jazzbox R
1 - 2Step forward onto Right foot, hold.
3 - 4¼ pivot Left, hold.
5 - 6Cross Right over Left, step back on Left
7 - 8Step Right side, slide Left next to Right .

Finishes at the front

Start dance again. And enjoy!