Histoire d'un Amour
Regina Cheung (CAN) - August 2012
Histoire d'un amour - Dany Brillant
Intro: 32 counts
NOTE : thanks to my student, Regina Chan, suggesting this song to me, script is same as burlesque ... tango,
dance in two styles, your choice =)
Sec 1: Right Cross Rock in place X 2, Hold, Rock Recover 1/4 left, Side Drag
1 2Turning body slightly to the left, Rock right foot forward across front of left, Recover weight back to left foot
3 4Rock right foot forward across front of left, Hold (4)
5 6Rock left foot forward, Recover weight back to right foot
7 8Turn 1/4 left step left big step on left side, Drag right to left (9:00)
Sec 2: Cross Side Behind Sweep, Behind Side Cross Touch
1 2Cross right over left, Step left to left side
3 4Step right behind left, Sweep left from front to back
5 6Step left behind right, Step right to right side
7 8Cross left over right, Touch right to right side (9:00)
*Restart - Wall 4 & 8
Sec 3: Cross 1/4 Right Back, 1/4 Right Side, Cross, Side Rock Forward Hold
1 2Cross right over left, Step left back 1/4 right
3 4Step right 1/4 right to right side, Cross left over right
5 6Rock right on right side, Recover weight back to left foot
7 8Step right forward, Hold (8) (3:00)
Sec 4: Rock Recover Touch Flick, Rock Step X 2, Hold
1 2Rock left foot forward, Recover weight back to right foot
3 4Touch left to left side, Flick left behind right
5 6Rock left on left side, Recover weight back to left foot
7 8Rock left on left side, Touch Right next to left (3:00)
* Restart - Wall 4, 16 counts (6:00) Wall 8, 16 counts (12:00)
Contact: rclinedanz3@yahoo.com