Old Friends Waltz
GYTAL (USA) - June 2008
Old Friend - Scooter Lee
Or: any medium waltz
Waltz Basic Forward Back Forward Back
1-3 Step L Forward, Bring R to L, Step L in Place
4-6 Step R back, bring L to R, step R in place
7-12 Repeat 1-6
Twinkles 4X
13-15 Cross L over R, step R slightly back, step L next to R
16-18 Cross R over L, step L slightly back, step R next to L
19-24 Repeat 13-18
Waltz Basics Forward, Back, Forward, Back
25-36 Repeat 1-12
Make 360 Star Turn
37-39 Step L 1/4 turn to L, step R to R, bring L to R
40-42 Step R slightly back turning to1/4 L, Step L slightly forward, bring R to L
43-48 Repeat 37-42
Variation for those who do not like to turn
Waltz Box Step
37-39 step forward on L, Step R to R, bring L to R
40-42 Step back on R, step L to L, bring R to L
43 -48 Repeat 37-42