
Amos Ghui - May 2005
Lonely - Akon

32 count intro, start after cartoon voice, on heavy beat 
Side, behind, side cross, touch, Monterey turn ½ right, ½ left, touch, step 
1-2&3-4 Step right to side (1), cross left behind right (2), step right to side (&), cross left over right (3), touch right to side (4) 
5-8& Step right beside left turning ½ turn right (5), touch left to side (6), step left beside right turning ½ turn left (7), touch right to side (8), step right beside left (&) 
Left forward, forward shuffle, rock forward, recover, sweeps, coaster 
1 Step left forward (1) 
2&3 Step right forward (2), step left behind right (&), step right forward (3) (forward shuffle) 
4-5 Rock left forward (4), recover on right (5) 
6-7 Sweeping left from front to back step left behind right (6), sweeping right from front to back step right behind left (7) 
8&1 Step left back (8), step right beside left (&), step left forward (1) (coaster) 
Rock, recover, full turn shuffle, rock, recover, ½ turn shuffle 
2-3 Rock right forward (2), recover on left (3) 
4&5 Turning a full turn right, shuffle right-left-right on the spot (4&5) 
6-7 Rock left forward (6), recover on right (7) 
8&1 Turning ½ turn left, shuffle left-right-left forward (8&1) ? 6.00 
Side rock samba step, samba step with long step, touch 
2-3 Rock right to side (2), recover on left (3) 
4&5 Cross right over left (4), step left to side (&), step right to side (5) (samba) 
6&7-8 Cross left over right (6), step right to side (&), step left a long step to side (7), touch right beside left (8) 
You will end facing the front on your last step (touch right beside left). Take a bow and smile!