African Dream
Anna Bevins (UK)
Colour The World - Sash!
1-2Touch left toe out to the side, then touch toward3&4Touch left toe out to the side, return left foot beside right, then touch right toe out to the side5-6Touch right toe toward, then touch right toe out to the side&7&8Replace right foot next to left, then touch left toe out to the side, then replace left next to right, then point right toe out to the right side 1&2¼ turn right shuffle, to your right. Right, left, right turning on your first step3&4Triple step going back over your left shoulder, stepping left, right, left5-6Rock back on your right, then toward on your left7-8Step toward right and pivot a half turn, then to complete the full turn, step toward left, turning over your left shoulder 1&2Kick right foot toward, replace your right foot next to left, put your left heel toward3&4¼ turn over your right shoulder5-6Stomp right toward, then stomp left toward7&8Bump your hips left, right left 1-2Right strut going to your right side3-4A left strut going to your right side5-6Rock to the side on your right, then back onto your left7&8Full triple turn, stepping right, left, rightREPEAT