Terry Hogan (AUS)
Big Big Love - Molly & The Heymakers
1-2Step to the left side on left foot, touch right foot beside left3Tap right heel forward at 45 degrees4Raise right foot & slap the boot with the left hand behind left knee5-6Step right foot to right side, touch left foot across behind right7-8Step left foot to left side, step right foot across behind left 9-10Step left foot to the left side, step right foot across behind left11-12Step left foot to left side, stomp (up) right foot beside left keeping weight on left13Step to the right side on right foot making ¼ turn left14Hook left foot across in front of right shin15-16Tap left heel forward, tap left toe backward 17&18Shuffle forward left-right-left19Step forward on right foot making ¼ turn left20Stomp (up) left foot beside right keeping weight on right footREPEAT