Back To The Wild
Pat Stott (UK)
The Wild Side Of Life - Jim Dean
TOE, STRUT, TOE, STRUT, KICK, KICK, BACK, RECOVER1-2Right toe forward, lower heel3-4Left toe forward, lower heel5-6Kick right forward twice7-8Rock back on right, recover on left½ PIVOT, SHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCKING CHAIR1-2Step right forward, ½ pivot left transferring weight to left3&4Step right forward, close left to right, step right forward5-8Rock forward on left, recover on right, rock back on left, recover on rightSTEP, HOLD AND CLAP, BOUNCE HEELS TWICE TURNING ½ TO RIGHT, ROCK BACK, RECOVER, KICK BALL CHANGE1-2Step forward on left, hold and clap3-4Turning ½ to right bounce both heels twice (weight ends on left)5-6Rock back on right, recover on left7&8Kick right forward, step in place on ball of right foot, step in place on leftTOUCH, ¼ TURN RIGHT, TOUCH, ¼ TURN LEFT, TOUCH, ¼ TURN RIGHT, TOUCH, CLOSE1-2Touch right toe to right, pivot ¼ to right closing right to left3-4Touch left to left, pivot ¼ to left closing left to right5-6Touch right to right, pivot ¼ to right closing right to left7-8Touch left to left, close left to rightSTOMP, RIGHT TOE, HEEL, TOE, LEFT HEEL, TOE, HEEL, TOE1-2Stomp right with toe turned in, fan right toe to right3-4Fan right heel to right, fan right toe to right (weight now on right)5-8Bringing left towards right fan left heel in, left toe in, left heel in, left toe to meet right foot (weight now on left)TOUCH, CROSS, TOUCH, CROSS, TOE STRUT BACK, TOE STRUT BACK1-2Touch right to right, cross right over left3-4Touch left to left, cross left over right5-6Touch right toe back, lower heel7-8Touch left toe back, lower heelTOUCH RIGHT TOE BACK, BOUNCE BOTH HEELS X 3 TURNING ½ TO RIGHT, BOUNCE BOTH HEELS X 4 TURNING ½ TO LEFT1-4Touch right toe back, bouncing heels x3 turn ½ to right transferring weight to right Optional arms: as you bounce take arms over head from left side to right side5-8Bouncing heels x 4 turn ½ to left transferring weight to left Optional arms: as you bounce take arms over head from right side to left sideSTEP, ½ PIVOT, SHUFFLE FORWARD, ½ PIVOT, ¼ TURN, TAP1-2Step forward on right, ½ pivot to left transferring weight to left3&4Step forward on right, close left to right, step forward on right5-6Step forward on left, ½ pivot right transferring weight to right7-8Turn ¼ to right stepping left to left, tap right next to leftREPEAT