Maureen Jones (UK) & Michelle Jones (UK)
I Believe In You - Don Williams
EXTENDED SYNCOPATED VINE, ROCK, EXTENDED SYNCOPATED VINE, ROCK&1&2Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, step left across right&3-4Step right to right, rock left behind right, recover weight on right&5&6Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, step right across left&7-8Step left to left, rock right behind left, recover weight on leftSTEP, SCUFF WITH ¼ TURN, ½ TURN-STEP, BRUSH, STEP WITH ¼ TURN, TOUCH, SHUFFLE, SCUFF, REVERSE CROSS STEPS&9-10Step right to right, scuff left across right and make ¼ turn right, on ball of right make ½ turn right and step back on left11-12Brush right back, making ¼ turn right step right to right (you have now completed a full turn and should be facing the front wall)&13&14Touch left beside right, step left to left, step right beside left, step left to left&15&16Scuff right across left, step right back across left, step left back, step right back across leftSYNCOPATED ROCK, STEP, SYNCOPATED ROCK, TOUCH, SCUFF, CROSS-SIDE-STEP, CROSS-SIDE-STEP&17-18Rock back on left, step right forward, step left forward&19&20Rock back on right, step left forward, touch right beside left, scuff right forward21&22Step right across left, step left to left, step right slightly forward23&24Step left across right, step right to right, step left slightly forwardCROSS, ¼ TURN, SCUFF, PIVOT, SCUFF, LOCK-SHUFFLE, SCUFF, LOCK-SHUFFLE25-26Step right across left, make ¼ turn left and step left forward&27-28Scuff right forward, step right forward, pivot ½ turn left (weight now on left)&29&30Scuff right forward, step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward&31&32Scuff left forward, step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forwardREPEAT