Big Band Boogie
Doug Miranda (USA)
In the Mood - Glenn Miller
BOX STEP1-4Step left foot forward, touch right toe next to left, step right foot to right, step left foot next to right5-8Step right foot back, touch left toe next to right, step left foot to left, step right foot next to left9-16Repeat 1-8FORWARD STEP TOUCH & CLAP (4X)17-18Step left foot forward diagonal to left, touch right foot next to left and clap19-20Step right foot forward diagonal to right, touch left foot next to right and clap21-22Step left foot forward diagonal to left, touch right foot next to left and clap23-24Step right foot forward diagonal to right, touch left foot next to right and clapWALK BACK WITH ATTITUDE LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT FOR 8 COUNTS25-32Step back left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right Point index fingers in the air as you travel back, twist your hips and try swiveling back on the balls of your feetTHREE ¼ PIVOTS STOMP LEFT FOOT TWICE33-34Step left foot forward turning ¼ turn to right (weight to right foot) (should be facing 3:00 wall)35-36Step left foot forward turning ¼ turn to right (weight to right foot) (should be facing 6:00 wall)37-38Step left foot forward turning ¼ turn to right (weight to right foot) (should be facing 9:00 wall)39-40Up-stomp left foot 2 times in placeREPEAT