The Boogie Man
Improver west coast swing
John Dembiec (USA) & Christine Bass (USA)
The Boogie Man - Clint Black
TRAVELING KNEE/HIP POPS, HIP ROLL WITH ¼ TURN1Moving forward push right hip to right while rolling right knee inside-out2Roll right knee back with right slightly forward of left3Moving forward push left hip to left while rolling left knee inside-out4Roll left knee back with left slightly forward of right5-6Roll right knee out and back, roll left knee out and back7-8Roll hips from left to right making ¼ turn to right (weight to left)WALKS, WEST COAST TRIPLE, COASTER, TOUCH1-2Walk forward right, left3&4Step right behind left, step left in place, step right back5-6Step left back, step right next to left7-8Step left forward, touch right next to leftSHUFFLE, ROCK, SHUFFLE, ROCK WITH ¼ TURN1&2Side shuffle to right (right, left, right)3-4Rock back on to left, replace to right5&6Side shuffle to left (left, right, left)7-8Rock back on to right, replace to left making ¼ turn to rightSTEP, JAZZ BOX, JAZZ BOX WITH ¼ TURN, STEP1-2Step right to right, step left over right3-4Step right back, step left to left5-6Step right over left, step left back making ¼ turn to right7-8Step right forward, step left next to rightREPEATRESTART When dancing to "Good Little Girls", on the 4th wall dance the 1st 24 counts then restart the dance on vocals.