Buster's Bonesearch
Tex Waite (UK)
Buster The Line Dancing Dog - Big Al
HEEL DIG, SCUFFS, PIVOT ½ TURN, STOMPS1-4Touch right heel forward, step right together, scuff left back, scuff left forward5-8Step left forward, turn ½ right (weight to right), stomp left together, stomp right in place Light stompsHEEL DIG, SCUFFS, PIVOT ½ TURN, STOMPS9-12Touch left heel forward, step left together, scuff right back, scuff right forward13-16Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left), stomp right together, stomp left in place Light stompsSCISSOR STEPS17-20Step right to side, step left together, cross right over left, hold21-24Step left to side, step right together, cross left over right, holdGRAPEVINE, GRAPEVINE ¼ TURN25-28Vine right with left knee hitch29-32Vine left with right knee hitchPIVOT ½ TURN, HEEL STRUT TWICE33-36Turn ¼ left and step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left), step right heel forward, drop right toe37-40Step left forward, turn ½ right (weight to right), step left heel forward, drop left toeHIP BUMPS (TAIL WAGS)41-44Step right forward and bump hips diagonally forward, bump hips diagonally forward, bump hips back, bump hips back45-48Bump hips forward, bump hips to right, bump hips back, bump hips to left Bump hips on each step of the vine. When Buster goes "woof, woof, woof" - join inLOCK ½ TURN, LOCK ¼ TURN49-52Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, hitch left knee53-56Turn ½ right and step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, hitch right knee right knee hitch with ¼ turn to leftSTOMPS, HEEL BOUNCE ¼ TURN57-60Turn ¼ left and stomp right forward, hold, stomp left in place, hold61-64Three heel bumps to make ¼ turn left, holdREPEATTAG First time facing back wall & first return to front wall CHASSIS, BACK ROCK TWICE1&2-3-4Shuffle side right, left, right, cross/rock left behind right, recover onto right5&6-7-8Shuffle side left, right, left, cross/rock right behind left, recover onto leftSTEP & BACK SCUFF TWICE9-12Step right to side, big scuff left back, step left to side, big scuff right backKICKS & SAILOR STEP TWICE13-16Kick right to side, kick right back, sailor step right, left, right17-20Kick left to side, kick left back, sailor step left, right, left Any similarity to Buster leg-cockin' is intentional I'm afraid