Carnival Time
Irene Groundwater (CAN)
FORWARD, FORWARD, DIAGONAL FORWARD, TOGETHER, DIAGONAL FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, LEFT FORWARD SHUFFLE1-2Right forward (bringing right hand in circular to the right motion in front of body & up), left forward3Right diagonal forward (raise right hand with left shoulder forward - CBM with left hand waist high in front of body - body leans back)&4Step left beside right (circular movement around to the right with hand) (option: left lock step), right diagonal forward5-6Left forward (bringing right hand in circular motion to the right motion in front of body & up), right forward7Left forward (raise right hand with left shoulder forward, left hand waist high in front of body, body leans back)&8Step right beside left (option: circular motion to the right with hand), left forwardBACK, TOUCH, BACK, TOUCH, FORWARD, ½ TURN RIGHT, FORWARD SHUFFLE1-2Right diagonal back towards the right, touch left ball beside right instep3-4Left diagonal back towards the left, touch right ball beside left instep5-6Right forward, pivot ½ turn right on right ball as left foot brushes beside right instep and then kicks back (head goes back)7&8Left forward, step right beside left (option: lock step), left forwardSIDE, PIVOT ½ TURN LEFT, SIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, TOUCH, HIP, HIP, HIP, CHANGE WEIGHT1-2Side step right, pivot ½ turn left on right ball as you side step left3&4&Large side step right, step left beside right, large side step right, touch left ball slightly forward5Leaning back on right with left hand on left thigh and right hand on right side (wrist bent, palm down) raise left hip6-7-8Lower left hip, raise left hip, switch weight forward onto left Option: on counts 5-7, rotate left hip to the left a few times - extend left, hand forward palm down with right hand on right hipFORWARD SHUFFLE, FORWARD, ½ TURN RIGHT, ½ RIGHT TURNING SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP1&2Right forward, step left beside right, right forward3-4Left forward, pivot ½ turn right onto right5&6Side step left making ¼ turn right on step, step right beside left, turn ¼ turn right and step forward on left7-8Rock back on right, replace weight on leftFORWARD, ½ TURN LEFT, BACK, TOUCH, KICK, TOGETHER, SIDE, KICK, TOGETHER, SIDE1-2Right diagonal forward, pivot ½ turn left on right ball as you touch left ball beside right instep3Left diagonal back with left toe pointed toward the left4-5Touch right ball beside left instep, swivel right on left ball and kick right foot diagonal forward to the right&6Step right beside left, small side step left with left toe pointing towards the left7Swivel right on left ball as you kick right foot diagonal forward to the right&8Step right beside left, small side step left with left toe pointing towards the leftHEEL, REPLACE, STEP, TOUCH, CROSS, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE1Touch right heel forward clapping hands in front of body2Replace weight on right and raise left hand (option: touch left heel forward)3-4Step down on left raising right hand (option: touch right heel forward), raise left hand and touch right ball beside left instep (or to right)5Cross right over left (right ball pointing left) and pointing right index finger diagonal left6Swivel right on right ball as you take a small side step left pointing right index finger diagonal right7-8Repeat counts 5-6REPEATTAG At the end of 5th wall DIAGONAL FORWARD, TOUCH, DIAGONAL BACK, TOUCH, SWAY, SWAY, SWAY, SWAY1-2-3-4Right diagonal forward, touch left ball beside right instep, left diagonal back, touch right ball beside left instep5-6-7-8Side step right as you sway right, sway left, sway right, sway left