Chain Reaction
Maureen Jones (UK) & Michelle Jones (UK)
Alabao - Enrique Iglesias
LOCK SHUFFLE, MAMBO, KICK, POINT, KICK, ¼ TURN, TOUCH1&2Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward3&4Rock left to left, recover onto right, step left beside right5&6&Kick right forward, step right beside left, point left to left, step left beside right7&8Kick right forward, step right beside left, make a ¼ turn left and touch left toes forward (left heel raised and left knee bent) on count 8 click left fingers above head and click right fingers behind backSIDE MAMBOS, REVERSE TRAVELING HEEL & TOE TOUCHES9&10Rock left to left, recover onto right, step left beside right11&12Rock right to right, recover onto left, step right beside left Dance counts 9-12 using Latin hips13&14&Touch left heel forward, step left back, touch right toe beside left instep, step right back15&16Touch left heel forward, step left back, touch right toe beside left instepSIDE-CLOSE-SIDE, STOMPS, CLAPS, SIDE-CLOSE-SIDE WITH ¼ TURN STOMPS, CLAPS17&18Step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right&19&20Stomp-up ball of left foot twice beside right, clap hands twice to right of right shoulder21&22Step left to left, step right beside left, make ¼ turn left and step left forward&23&24Stomp-up ball of right foot twice beside left, clap hands twice to left of left shoulderSIDE-CLOSE-SIDE WITH ¼ TURN, STOMPS, CLAPS, MAMBOS FORWARD & BACK25&26Step right to right, step left beside right, make ¼ turn right and step right forward&27&28Stomp-up ball of left foot twice beside right, clap hands twice to right of right shoulder29&30Rock left forward, recover back onto right, step left beside right31&32Rock right back, recover forward onto left, angling right knee across left knee dig right toes beside left instep and click fingers at shoulder height (weight on left) Dance counts 29-32 using Latin hipsREPEAT