Close Encounters
Improver contra dance
Bill Bader (CAN)
I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying - Toby Keith & Sting
Position: Start with lines 6 feet apart, facing each other and off set in to the slot position (between the two dancer across from you)SHUFFLE RIGHT, SHUFFLE LEFT1Step forward with right foot&Step together with left foot2Step forward with right foot3Step forward with left foot&Step together with right foot4Step forward with left footRIGHT HEEL-STEP-TURN, CLOSE, CROSS-SIDE-CROSS5Touch right heel forward&Place right foot next to left foot6Pivot ¼ turn left on ball of right foot, touch left heel to left side&Place left foot next to right foot7Step across in front of left leg with right foot&Step to left side with left foot8Step across in front of left leg with right footRIGHT TURNING SIDE SHUFFLE BOX (You will now "box around" the person currently behind you to the left)9Step to left side with left foot&Slide right foot next to left foot10Step to left side with left foot (pass through)&Pivot ¼ turn right on ball of left foot, sliding right toe next to left foot11Step to right side with right foot&Slide left foot next to right foot12Step to right side with right foot (facing)&Pivot ¼ turn right on ball of right foot, sliding left toe next to right foot13Step to left side with left foot&Slide right foot next to left foot14Step to left side with left foot (pass through)&Pivot ¼ turn right on ball of left foot, sliding right toe next to left foot15Step to right side with right foot&Slide left foot next to right foot16Step to right side with right foot (facing)LEFT HEEL-STEP BACK, RIGHT HEEL-STEP BACK, LEFT HEEL-HOOK-HEEL-STEP BACK17Touch left heel forward&Step back slightly with left foot18Touch right heel forward&Step back slightly with right foot19Touch left heel forward&Hook left heel up across right shin20Touch left heel forward&Step back slightly with left footRIGHT HEEL-STEP BACK, LEFT HEEL-STEP BACK, STOMP-STOMP-STOMP21Touch right heel forward&Step back slightly with right foot22Touch left heel forward&Step back slightly with left foot23Stomp (up) with right foot next to left foot&Stomp (up) with right foot next to left foot24Stomp (up) with right foot next to left footREPEAT