City Stampede
Fulvio Durazza (AUS)
Everybody Gonfi Gon - City Slickers
The following 8 counts are done on balls of feet1&Step forward onto right toe swiveling right heel in towards left & swivel left heel in towards right, swivel both heel in opposite direction, right heel out to right side & left heel out to left side2&3&4&Repeat both steps stepping forward onto left then forward onto right, then forward onto left5&6&7&Step back onto left repeating above steps, back onto right, back onto left8Step back onto right swiveling both heels in only&Jump both feet out 9-11Jump both feet in cross right over left, jump both feet out, jump both feet together&12Quick heel splits (both heels out & in the air up on toes, heels 45 degrees off ground, bring heels together) 13-15Swivel both heels to right, swivel both heels to center, swivel both heels to left16Swivel both heels to the center 17&18&Swivel both heels to right & heels to center, quick swivet right center19&20Scuff right forward, hitch right & scoot forward, stomp right beside left21&22Shuffle forward right-left-right 23-24Rock forward left & back right25&26Turning on spot full turn left step left-right-left 27-28Rock forward right, back left29-32Turning ¼ right step right to side, turning ¼ left rock forward onto left, rock forward right, rock back left33&34Turn ½ turn right stepping right-left-right 35-36Step forward left, touch right to right side&37Spring to the left jumping right to center, left to left side&38&39Spring left to center right forward at 45 degrees right, step right to center kicking left foot forward&40&41Step left back step right back, step left forward scuff right&42Hitch right & make ¼ turn left on ball of left leg, stomp right together 43&44&Applejack, left center, right center45-46Rock forward left back right 47&48Coaster step back left, back right, step forward left The next 3-½ counts are done in a running action49&50Jump back on right, kick left forward51&52Step onto left, step forward right, step onto left, jump back onto right kicking left forward, step onto left, scuff right&53Turn ½ turn left on left leg, keep right hitched after scuff, stomp right together54-55&Step right to right side, touch left toe behind right, bobbing down slightly, spring up don't jump, spring up in bobbing motion56&57Touch left to left side, spring to left stepping right to center, left to left side (use hips)58Turn ½ turn left on ball of right, stepping left to left side use left to push off turn in a springing motion 59&60Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side61&62Scuff left forward, jump up into air and click heels together, land with feet togetherREPEAT