Cool Swing!
Eddie Bolton (UK)
Drive It Home - The Clovers
My thanks to Hop & Graham for their dance floor suggestionsSIDE CHASSE, ROCK STEP, HEEL BALL CROSS, HEEL BALL CROSS (RIGHT & LEFT)1&2Chasse to right on right, left, right3-4Rock step left behind right, rock weight back onto right foot in place5&6Touch left heel forward, step on left alongside right, cross right over left7&8Repeat steps 5&6REPEAT STEPS 1-8 TO LEFT STARTING WITH CHASSE TO LEFT9-16Repeat steps 1-8 to left starting with chasse to leftSIDE CHASSE WITH ¼ TURN, STEP PIVOT ¾ TURN, STEP SIDE TOUCH, STEP SIDE, TOUCH (RIGHT THEN LEFT)17&18Step right to right, close left to right, step right to right turning ¼ turn right19-20Step forward on left, on ball of left foot pivot ¾ turn right stepping down onto right21-22Step left to left, tap right foot next to left & snap fingers at waist Angle body to right. Look cool!23-24Step right to right, tap left foot next to right & snap fingers Angle body left. Still cool.25-32Repeat steps 17-24 to the left, starting with chasse ¼ turn leftSHUFFLE FORWARD, SHUFFLE ½ TURN, STEP BACK SLIDE, HEEL TAP TWICE33&34Shuffle forward on right, left, right35&36Shuffle forward on left, right, left making a ½ turn right37-38Long step back on right (body angled right), slide left foot back to finish just in front of right with toe pointed left & left heel raised39-40Tap left heel down & up & snap left fingers twice (with attitude!)41-48Repeat steps 33-40 on left foot starting with left shuffle forward½ TURN RIGHT, TOUCH OR HITCH, LEFT CHASSE, ROCK STEP, ¾ TURN LEFT49-50Step right foot ½ turn to right, touch or hitch left foot alongside right51&52Step left foot left, close right to left, step left to left53-54Cross step right behind left, rock back in place on left55&56Traveling to the right make a ¾ turn left on right, left, right These steps may be replaced by a chasse right with ¼ turnFORWARD SHUFFLE, STEP PIVOT, MAMBO RIGHT, MAMBO LEFT57&58Shuffle forward on left, right, left59-60Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left61&62Rock step right to right, step in place on left, cross step right over left63&64Rock step left to left, step in place on right, cross step left over right On steps 61&62 and 63&64 maintain a slight forward travelREPEAT