Kerri Reid (CAN)
If You Wanna Dance - Nobody's Angel
When dancing to "If You Wanna Dance" by Nobody's Angel, begin 16 counts after "buckle up baby, cause here we come".SLIDE TOUCHES, HEELS AND TOES (TWICE)1-2Take a big step to right, slide left toe home&3&4Step back on left, present right heel, step down on right, touch left toe home5-6Take a big step to left, slide right toe home&7&8Step back on right, present left heel, step down on left, touch right toe homeSHUFFLE TURN, ½ TURN, SHUFFLE, BUMPING TURN1&2Making ¼ turn right shuffle right, left, right3-4Step left foot forward, make half turn right weight ending on left foot (bend right knee & point toe for styling)5&6Shuffle forward right, left, right&7&8Step left foot forward, make half turn right while bumping left, right, left (weight ending on left foot)SIDE TOUCHES, MONTEREY TURN, BUMPS1&2Touch right toe to right side, step right foot home, touch left toe to left side&3-4Step left foot home, touch right toe to right side, make ½ turn to right and step right foot home5-6Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe home&7&8Bump hips left, right, left, right (down & up for styling), weight ending on right footTOE TOUCHES, WALK FORWARD, ½ TURN, SHUFFLE1&2Touch left toe forward, step left foot home, touch right toe forward&3-4Step right foot home, walk forward left, right5-6Step left foot forward, make ½ turn right, weight ending on right7&8Shuffle forward left, right, leftREPEAT