Colour The World
Tony Dougherty
Colour The World - Sash!
KICK BALL TOUCH, TOUCH STEP, HIP BUMPS1&2Kick right foot forward, step in place, touch left foot to left side3-4Touch left foot in place, step left foot to the left5-6Bump hips to the left twice7-8Bump hips to the right twiceKICK BALL TOUCH, TOUCH STEP, HIP BUMPS9&10Kick left foot forward, step in place, touch right foot to right side11-12Touch right foot in place, step right foot to the right13-14Bump hips to the right twice15-16Bump hips to the left twiceCROSS, BACK, SIDE, CLAP, TWICE17-18Cross right foot over left, left foot step back19-20Step right in place, clap hands21-22Cross left foot over right, right foot step back23-24Step left in place, clap handsROCK FORWARD, ROCK BACK, QUARTER PIVOT STOMP CLAP25-26Rock right foot forward, rock back on to left27-28Rock back on right foot, rock forward on to left29-30Step forward on right foot, quarter pivot to the left31-32Stomp left next to right, clap handsROLLING LEFT VINE, SLIDES FORWARD33-36Rolling vine to the left stepping left, right, left, touch right A normal left vine can be done instead of the rolling vine if preferred37-38Step right diagonally forward to the right, slide left next to the right foot39-40Step left diagonally forward to the left, slide right next to the left footSTEP KICK, BACK TOUCHES, BACK SLIDE41-42Step right foot forward, kick left forward43-44Step left behind right, touch right toe next to left45-46Step right foot behind, touch left toe next to right47-48Step left foot behind, slide right next to left foot with a touchHEEL SWITCHES, STEP FORWARD, TWICE49&Right heel forward, step in place50&Left heel forward, step in place51-52Step right foot forward, step left foot forward53-56Repeat steps 49 - 522 TURNING JAZZ BOXES57-58Cross right foot over left, step left foot slightly back59-60Step right foot quarter turn to the right, step left next to right61-64(Repeat steps 57 - 60)REPEAT